How the New System for VeryPoor avatars should work

So, I like the new feature VRChat added where VeryPoor avatars can finally be viewable up to about 4 players in an instance. But how about Quest? Because there are times where Quest players do seem to crash or lag out. What if Mobile and Quest can show up to 5-7 avatars in an instance(Maybe also rise the limit depending on overall performance and players in the instance). When you do reach the max VeryPoor avatars using the override button, you should make it where the override button stays enabled instead of disabling when you enable another players. So where you can enable the override button to everyone on the server but the VeryPoor avatars with the best performance depending on it’s details would be shown.(With this being a thing, you would be able to prioritize what VeryPoor avatars to be seen either by friends or by the best performancing VeryPoor avatar.

(Edit: I changed the entire discussion due to finding out myself that this is a hopefully intended feature for Mobile players.)

By mobile do you mean like on a phone?