Help! login error

Could anyone tell me how do I resolve the SDK login error? I’m entering my email and password correctly and eventually it ends up giving me a login error

I have this happen sometimes.

I’ll give some troubleshooting options…

Firstly be sure you can login on the VRChat - Home page with these credentials you’re attempting before going any further. This is to verify you don’t just need a password reset.

  • Double-check your email and password
  • If your email does not work try your original username
Original Username?

By original username I mean the name you created your account with, I noticed logging in you sometimes can’t use your new username for login if you ever changed it at any point in time.

  • Restart your Unity project
  • Restart your PC (Don’t just shut it down, hit Restart)
  • Login into another account if you have one or can make one then log back out and attempt your original account you’re trying to access
  • Re-install the VRCSDK
  • If all else fails, Create a new project

I hope one of these steps was able to aid you in solving this issue!