Group not showing

I don’t know what happened but I merged my Steam account to the vrc website and the group that I joined no longer appears. When I search for the group and go under members, it shows that I’m there but it doesn’t give me the option to see or represent the group in game. I tried everything and nothing.

Did you join the group as the steam user or the VRChat user? Seems like you found a bug.

You might need to leave and rejoin group. Or more accurately get kicked and immediately reinvited

how do you do the join group

I’m also having the same issue. There’s a group I’m a part of that’s not appearing on the website when I’m logged in through VRChat. I play through steam.

I had the admin kick me out and reinvite back in but I still don’t see the group in my list even though, I do see I’m part of the group.

That’s the thing, I own the group; yet I lost access to the settings the group owner would typically have.

You in particular should just contact support