My friend has an oculus quest pro and uses Virtual Desktop / Now steam link to use VRChat and if you use a timer basically every 30 minutes she will crash. We’re not entirely sure what the issue is and we’ve had her try to reinstall EAC / VRChat entirely and nothing we’ve tried has worked. We’re getting really desperate for answers, and we would absolutely appreciate any help you could give us if you’ve ever had this issue before. We did a memory diagnostic and it came out fine and the only thing we really have to go off of is Event Viewer gave us 0xc0000005. Please, if you have any tips or information we’re begging for your help.
I’ve run into this, first hang takes around 30-40m to happen, then every 30m after
I am having this same problem with the quest 2. Recently everytime I join vrchat it gives me a low memory warning and crashes within 30 minutes. I’ve done everything the internet has suggested and nothing has come up either. I really hope this gets resolved soon
Someone I know is also having this issue. any information would be appreciated
TL;DR: Make a new account
I have found a solution. In my friends situation. There game would crash and receive the error “VRChat is not responding”. This would happen across all platforms. Standalone Quest, PC VR, and Desktop. The issue was simply their account. They made a new one and this issue is not longer there.
I highly doubt this is a game issue. For their game to crash around the 30m marker on ALL devices is the first piece of evidence that this is not game related. considering all of these cases are new maybe its something with a recent update? This forum talks about the error code of 0xc0000005 which I can’t confirm if they had but yes, creating a new account did solve this issue. Either create a new account or please reach out to VRChat support about this issue. It seems to be server sided.
this issue is happening on all platforms for them. Desktop, PC VR, and standalone quest
reset windows? What about the quest issue :o?