FBT(Vive Ultimate) help

I have 5 Vive Ultimate Trackers and a Quest 3
I am using the ViveHUB Beta for the connection between the Ultimate and the Quest 3
I have set everything up.
I have made a Tracking map.
I have Identified all Trackers in Steam VR
I have calibrated them with my Quest 3 and in Steam VR everything is working fine.
All trackers track and are in the right position.

Now if I start VRchat I can see all my trackers but if I calibrate them to my avatar only the Hip,Right Foot and Left Foot are working. My Left Elbow and my Right Elbow are showing but getting ignored on the avi
I can see the tracker while I calibrate in the right position but they don’t do anything.

I have tried to use them on many different positions Chest, 2 trackers on Hip, on my Knees, lower legs, upper legs, but only 3 trackers work the other two are showing in VRchat but not working