Error updating content. The asset bundle is out of date. Please rebuild the scene using "New Build". The blueprint ID int he scene does not match the id in the asset bundle

Made a few minor mods to a world - added chair/station and a static curtain asset - after testing with a test id, detached the test world ID and re-attached the main world ID … and am now getting–

“”“Error updating content. The asset bundle is out of date. Please rebuild the scene using “New Build”. The blueprint ID int he scene does not match the id in the asset bundle.”“”

How does one rebuild the scene using “New Build”?!


This appears to have occurred because I had a space after the ID when I re-set the original ID… Replacing without the extra space got past the issue.

Potentially worth cleanining Bluepring ID field input… :stuck_out_tongue:

Is that a pipeline manager item like in avatars?

Looks like it, if I’m ~matching correctly-- In my case, it’s the ‘Blueprint ID’ on the ‘Pipeline Manager (script)’ component on the VRCWorld node - instance of VRCWorld prefab. (Where I detach and re-attach IDs to switch between test and release space uploads).