Empty UdonBehaviour found on Joiner (UnityEngine.GameObject)

it’s saying I need a VRCSceneDescriptor to build a world to test it, I forgot how to add one

Create And Empty And Add The Component

same error with empty UdonBehaviour found on Joiner
just tried the bowling lanes as well and still not working right, same issue as before.

you will probably need to contact the creator

unfortunately that’s behind a paywall, unless I become a patreon I cannot even access his discord server. what’s sad is i’ve found other worlds where the lanes work properly and are the same ones, at least visually and operationally from what I can tell.

the creator is Spookyghostboo, the one who created the black cat world. if there is a way that I can contact them without a paywall I would appreciate it.

is there a way to reinstall UdonSharp? perhaps that might fix this issue?
I think I have actually screwed up my VRchat world now…or at minimum the bowling lanes now, for some reason they all show 7’s.

I just figured out my issue with the bowling lanes, it turns out there’s invisible colliders to guide the bowling ball out of the world for scoring and my floor in my world was blocking the balls path.

ah ok then i would recommend marking this post as solved

I think I set that correct, I just had to select Solution correct?

How did you fix this? By lowering the floor or raising the lane. I am having the same issue.

Sounds like you’ve got two good choices, what works better for the world?

I tried both still didn’t work. Im going to try reimporting the prefab.

sorry for the late response. the problem is, the bowling lanes have a space at the back of the pin setters that has no collider except for under tge lanes to guide the balls out of the world to detect a score value. whatever the back of the lanes is sitting on CANNOT have a collider, this blocks the balls from falling to there respective reset areas for scoring.