(DISREGARD, FIXED) No clue what this issue is. "Failed to build the Avatar" (2022.3.22f1)

Basically new to VRC Avatar creation. Got no clue what this error is, have tried uploading my avatar today and it reads
“VRC.SDK3A.Editor.VRCSdkControlPanelAvatarBuilder.Build (UnityEngine.GameObject target, System.Boolean testAvatar) (at ./Packages/com.vrchat.avatars/Editor/VRCSDK/SDK3A/VRCSdkControlPanelAvatarBuilder.cs:2258)”

i’ve opened and closed many times and no avail, even to importing the model to a new project file.

entire error panel

turns out it was a bad script I had or maybe a model, i deleted some models and scripts, works great now. putting this here if anyone else may have this occur