Developer Update - 9 August 2022

Why is VRCat just a dog with a box with cat ears on it?

I mean it sure represents the fact that you can be anything in VR lol.

I believe I saw tupper mention something about that in a previous thread, like adding some kind of icon to the name tag

Looks less compact to me. I can see less friends and locations than before on this new layout.

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Alright so that means we’re getting avatar scaling/remeasure avatar?

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I’m hoping for something in that regard as well… The updates are really promising and it’s pretty awesome to see so many QoL updates coming in such a short time - but yeah, the comment section is full of avatar scaling and viewport scaling - and it’s Unfortunately not even clear if it’s being considered.

Even if it’s not considered it would be so cool to just hear back that it correctly isn’t. <3

day 17 of requesting for mic icon to be a separate hud element

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My 1650 GTX is no longer useable with VRChat ever sins the update :worried: I need the down scaling up scaling Mod.

I’m waiting for Camera Animation and Freeze Frame Features to renew my VRC+ subscription :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d really like to see Freezeframes features added.

Avatar Search and avatar scaling does anuone know if they will be implemented features?

pls pls pls!!! ^-^

Again, THIS ^

Viewport scaling is one of the most fundamental things that will improve the game; we have yet to hear anything about it. Please, let us know what is happening with this. After all, it was an intended feature that was patched out.


I would like to imagine it like this: You spawn it in thru the menu, then it behaves like how pens do with no gravity, you can grab it and move around and turn it with the IJKL keys.

For display and showing what the camera sees, it could either have like a preview window on the side/behind it similar to how Real cameras in life have it, or the preview window can be on the User’s HUD like how the “Face Mirror” the VRChat team is making is.

Then once you set it up and want to take a picture you can either

  1. left click while holding it (Like how pens work on Desktop mode)
    Or 2. press a button on a keyboard like P or O or something else that’s already not used, which would allow you to walk away from it once you have it set up and then just take the picture

Then there you go, a Desktop camera! Are there flaws with it? Yep! but its at least a start or an idea of how it would work, Hope my imagination helped. :+1:

Y’know with all that’s been going on that’s really all anyone’s been worried about. Good to see they take small feedback more seriously.

Still need leap motion support for desktop users


Closed, new post opening soon.

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