Developer Update - 5 August 2022

Will instance history be added? It was really useful when rejoining a party in invite only worlds. Recents tab doesn’t do the trick, also is buried under all the other tabs so it’s a little annoying to get to.

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When you devs were adding FSR were you adding vanilla FSR or the one that’s made for VR, OpenVR_FSR? Vanilla works on the whole screen, while OpenVR_FSR works in radius keeping the display resolution in the middle where you’re focusing the most and lowering resolution outside the radius. This way you can keep the visual clearity and get pretty good boost in performance.
GitHub - fholger/openvr_fsr: Add Image Upscaling via AMD FidelityFX SuperResolution or NVIDIA Image Scaling to SteamVR games this is their website.

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Im working in a world and yesterday everthing worked normally, however today i tried to “Build & Test” my world but i had an Anti-Cheat error… i have never used a client or something like that. I tried a new project with the last SDK but the error continues.

This is Great so far, hoping for more features for content creator, hobby such as filming and photography tool coming up next

Are u guys planing to fix the problem with the view point and the size change animations? It’s really nice not having to upload 4 different version of the same avatar just to change the size. That also sounds nice for the server side since It’s going to reduce the amount of duplicated avatars


Great updates. Holding out hope that avatar scaling or view scaling gets added to the next round of beta

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Use GOGOLoco locomotion for scaling, it does it with AV3

I love the stuff you are adding to the game, but could you please add a way to see your pictures in game? The same way the screenshot manager mod worked. (There was a tab on the new main menu you showed that had a picture icon, is it something like this?)
Or even better, (Idk how this would impact performance) add a way to show them to other people, like recroom allows you to print pictures you took before!

Photography is really important, and with a game with as beautiful worlds and such a capable camera as vrchat, it’s a bummer you can’t show your pictures when having a conversation in-game!

Thank you

Avatar searching definitely did change some social dynamics in both good and bad ways.

On one end, it made it easier to find cool and silly avatars and meme around with them, and also reveal content from makers who don’t have their own worlds.
On the other hand, it also let me sidestep no-cloning sometimes by just taking the avatar name from details and searching for it.

I suppose the latter could be solved by having the client redact the avatars’ name if cloning is off, but I have no means of testing that.

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Глядя на все обновления вроде и воодушивляешься, и думаешь что ещё есть надежда, и честно хочется вериьь, так же появился у меня очень интересный вопрос: почему переносная камера доступна только в VR, для ПК игроков её использовать нельзя, хотя я думаю это очень помогло бы да же ПК игрокам делать замечательные кадры миров, и селфи с друзьями, а не просто “быть на фоне”

You forgot the avatar search bar you Know that you just couldn’t make it so if you need a steam/Oculus account Merged with an official VR chat account to verify age because with clients you could find NSFW avatars if the creators of them to public or for avatar creators give them a button that their avatars have the option to be shown in the search bar sounds like a pretty good concept to me And many other people

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A report avatar button would suffice (one that you can press without switching into it). Make this an open api call so that tools like vrcx can add the function as well. Moderation would of course have to actually check the avatars and ignore cases of report harassment. Trying to engage in any blanket scrubbing is not healthy for creative environment, due to grey area cases etc.

Avatar viewpoint tweaker when?


Still coming, we may have something usable next week!

As far as rig requirements, IK2.0 should generally work on a wide variety of rigs. It doesn’t require you to be a pro rigger, however there were some ways of operating that people got used to from mods that aren’t the same because IK2.0 is not the same as those mods.

If you’d like things to just work simply I’d recommend following these steps without skipping any.

  1. Set your User Real Height to your actual height.
  2. Set the Avatar Measurement toggle to measure by height.
  3. Use the lock-hip mode. This mode is the main one that prioritizes appealing pose results. If view position matching is more important for you, use lock-head mode. Avoid lock-all mode (more details at bottom)
  4. Try toggling off locomotion animations (in the Tracking and IK quickmenu settings). This will prevent the default crouch and prone animations from affecting your IK.
  5. If you feel that you need to adjust the knee bend direction, use a custom IKPose in your avatar setup.

If you have a specific issue that’s not solved by following all of the above steps, please leave some feedback on the IK2.0 Canny board here. It’s still being updated and feedback provided there will be taken into consideration.


Lengthy explanation about lock-all follows:

Currently lock-all is the only part of IK2.0 that’s reserved for rigging enthusiasts and is provided “as-is” mostly in response to user request for an option to simultaneously match both ends of the spine. Because of this, it strictly follows multiple constraints at the cost of permitting odd pose results. Real human spines have more vertebrae with more leeway to stretch and compress than the bones in an avatar rig. Also, you have the freedom to set how far forward your view position is in your avatar descriptor (changing how you drag around the avatar head bone pivot as you move your real head). With these factors combined, when you look down, the distance between your avatar’s hip and head will likely contract. However, the hip and head tracking are both locked in with this IK option. The IK will solve the spine while honoring this length shortening by finding a way to bend the spine so that both ends still match their tracking points. Odd poses may result. Conceptually this is like trying to squeeze both ends of a twig an arbitrary amount but also not wanting it to bend too much. Lock-all allows it to bend too much, lock-hip or lock-head allows the unlocked end to slide out a bit to prevent severe bending.

An interim technique to introduce a bit of leeway into lock-all behavior is to look down slightly (while not using legacy calibration) when you bind in. This will sink the avatar relative to your lower body tracking binding points, binding them slightly higher up. When you look straight after binding, your lower body trackers will be pulling the spine tight and when you shorten your spine by looking down again it will be using the calibration you bound when looking down previously, possibly avoiding odd spine angles. This is just a workaround though and future development on lock-all (possibly introducing dynamic bone length compression) is still planned.

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the way the face cam is, is already good, i like that it has already some opacity.
i think people would like to be able to set their own opacity on it and maybe chose the positioning and amount of avatar shown in it, but i guess the last two are more complicated and things for later.
it would be awesome if you could add the option to show remote players so you can see in it if someone is interacting with you like petting you even if they are behind you.

I am not sure what you mean by that because the way the face cam is right now in the beta (like a mirror) is how it should be so you don’t get confused with left and right like if you want to interact with yourself. (or others when you add remote players
You might add the option to flip it if people prefer to see their avatar like others do, but don’t make that the only option please!

Yes someone else also mentioned that an option to have hud fade away after an update like muting or enabling gestures with a little delay is something i would like to have.
I am not sure if you have anything like that in the works.

We also need a “enter” button on the keyboard. For a lot of video player and other text input things we need to click enter to run the loading of the input, without a enter button we need to use our desktop keyboard.


Yes, exactly. I would really love to see viewpoint scaling added back in. So that people can make animations and do all sorts of cool stuff with it. Somebody mentioned GoGoLoco, but those types of assets dont work that well, i dont think they even work at all in fullbody and dont scale the eyes ipd

Application spacewarp for quest. When.