Developer Update - 30 August 2022

VRChat is getting worse and worse
bro why you dont allow emmvrc i mean
it was once allowed in vrchat and a few months later you bring out an update with Easy anti cheat your fucking serious

and i wanna ad more avatars on favorite but vrchat want money for that bro what is going on with VRChat

from year to year there are fewer and fewer players because the game is getting worse and worse (I don’t want to say that all updates are pointless but some updates could have been left easy)

I’m not the only one with this opinion I know hundreds of people who complain about it there are even videos and memes about it but VRChat ignores it and only makes it worse

[btw sorry for my bad english!]

You can have 100 Fav Avatars without paying anything. Who the hell needs over 100 FAVORIT Avatars!? - btw EMMVRC does not allowed more Favs too.
And about the playerbase… nope i dont know where you get this from but steam statistic shows up that the player base was growing up between 2021 and 2022 ^^

Actually… we are gettin’ the same features without EMM except the Avatar Research and the malicous ones, so… why so negative? ^^

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agreed, though I’d like to add that I think it looks better just having dotted outline without full outline inside.

This is factually incorrect. Take a look at VRChat’s users online charts for Steam and then also keep in mind that this isn’t even counting all the Quest 2 users.

However you may personally feel about it or your personal friend circle, the reality is that VRChat keeps growing a lot.

There isn’t even theoretically a way to solve ripping avatars. Other clients have to be able to see your avatar, therefore they have to be able to download and use it. Since the client must have this ability, any encryption or other method that VRChat might put in place can and will be quickly reverse engineered. The client has to know the key, and it is therefore retrievable. The end result would be reduced performance for VRChat (for having to constantly unencrypt) while slowing ripping down by maybe a week at most.

VRChat is right to see the folly in it and not go down that path. Even though it makes some people boggle that they aren’t doing anything about it.

Do any avatar creators send in DMCA notices? Might help a little on avatar ripping. I think the invalid avatar icon could be different in the cases of ripped avatars. But that wasn’t what I came here for.

Toggling the face mirror through the expressions menu is a chore. Is that something I’m supposed to bind to a hot key on my controller? I can understand changing it being a little buried, seems like a feature I’d need to adjust rarely, but be nice to toggle quicker.

Apologies, I know this isn’t exactly the “place” for bug reports, but since the betas have been pushed to “Live” I thought it might have some use being pushed to light; It was previously discussed that “Pictures and Screenshots” were being worked on to reduce system performance lag, and this was significantly true for screenshots, like 2-3 beta updates ago when it was discussed at the time… but since the later beta updates, I’ve noticed performance dropping again significantly/SteamVR Hanging on the “VRChat Loading” Screen for like 1-2 minutes before finally being able to visibly see/move around again. Not sure if the feature was scrapped? or is still present, but it doesn’t seem to be doing much to improve performance, especially when not everyone can afford higher-end systems, and are instead stuck with “potato PC systems” with at least 4-core processors, and not enough CPU Threads to prevent performance from dying almost completely.

I like the planet with sparkles around it for the portal placement icon. I also like the swirly portal one, but it could be redundant having ovals in ovals.
As far as the “X” indicator; I think adding the “too close to spawn” text would be useful for new players.

Not the point, but ok.

i need more fav’s before vrchat allowed emmvrc
emmvrc had the feature to fav endless avatars

nah shit okay i give up
my fakts are bad but iam mad that i cant use emmvrc i mean it was the best mod for vrc and free

Perfect!! Keep up the good work ^^

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any news about a 3rd person view for desktop users? and teleport to friends in big worlds? or just fsr with Fixed foveated abilities?


New one going up in a few.

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