Developer Update - 25 July 2024

Cracking down on AVI ripping is awesome!
Also the portals look beautiful.
When it comes to thumbnails and Groups and really world or avi images.
It would be nice to have layouts so we can see what our thumb nail will look like in all shapes. Like my world thumb nail when searching for it look good, BUT when your on the loading screen it gets cut off. Also the group banner is a guessing game. So what im saying is defined boarders would be nice to have for everything that includes your logo/Thumbnail.

My idea was not using the same fallback system but the method of it. You can pick another uploaded of favourite avatar as your “Public Display Avatar”, which means you could have your beautiful avatars from already publicly available or personal uploaded previously. Same time you can have an option to have your “Known /Friends Display Avatar” that showing your dedicated personal avatar to them. There are merits more than demerits in action.

Worrying people seeing robots and fallbacks are nonsense since it is an “OPTION” for people to do, it does not change the fact what avatar you are using. For an example, if a player were already using Avatar “A”, they have an option to use another avatar “B” with their friends. There’s no reason of thinking that will alienise new comers to the platform.

First argument will be, this could greatly increase performance for players in larger instance which also want to show avatars than the fallback/diamonds or robots. For say I have a very poor avatar but I would like to wear it in an event (Say the New Year Count Down), But I dont have to stress out others to render my very poor avatar, yet others not seeing me as a pickle fallback/ robot/ diamond. I could use my other green avatar that is public/ personal uploaded that is decent and fit while maintaining what I m always be.

Second argument is that if they cannot call the Avatar to download, it doesn’t matter what client they are using, the API just purely do not allow any access unless the avatar owner allow them to see the “Main” avatar. Ripping will be greatly reduced in majority of the situation. Nothing can be cached on the Client at all.

Personally this should be considered as a win to both game optimisation and the ripping situation.

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When it comes to cryptography and application integrity checking, digital signatures seem to come to mind.

In reality, however, it should be more than that, but there are so many issues that need to be taken into account when doing so.

I hope it will be effective in blocking script kiddies.

(Some people have experimented with it and found that the asset format has been modified so it can’t be unpacked, which doesn’t solve the problem for most people who don’t know how to do it at all).

I don’t know if the official has changed the password of the asset, and try to obfuscate it to avoid being filtered or injected to find the real symmetric key and decode it.

If there is, it will be very safe, at least most people do not have the ability or sufficient financial support to do such a thing.

I don’t know if VD has implemented Pico’s hand tracking either, so probably won’t work.

It’s best if people don’t overreach too far into the space of the avatar security stuff, particularly where people don’t fully understand what is and isn’t practical, what helps and doesn’t, and what is good for the community or not.

There’s already enough anti-social segregation systems in the community with total blocking and orange status, we don’t need more of them just to stave off paranoia.

Some things can be implemented to mitigate it or make it slightly more of a hassle to reduce it’s frequency, but there is and never will be a magic bullet. And the harder you try to crunch down on it, the worse overall the social experience will be for everyone.

Even something as simple as the above proposed ideas of things like whitelisting avatar visibility, causes an asynchronous experience which is extremely jarring and alienating. Even simple things like local-only props in worlds can lead to dramatically degraded social experience due to inability to be on the same page and experience the same things.


That would be very untrue of saying that causes anti social and asynchronous experience. As in, the idea is an option. Nothing will go forward if we just feel changes are harmful. It’s like a world that can be either PC/Quest, PC only or Quest only. It is an option for the people, not like taking it away.

With your example on local-only props in world lead to dramatically degraded social experience, it can be true while it’s also not true. Which it comes with two sides. Some people doing Role Play might find synced props are nice, while others in a world with props flying around and forced to change world because blocking doesn’t desync the at all. And the world creator has the “Option” to make them global sync or local. Imagine everyone calm in the world, with a global mirror and suddenly got toggled off by a random.

That also a merit that VRChat implemented personal mirror. So you it’s like your point is saying that the mirror for each player not sync will do harm more than good.

Seems odd to vibrate in one situation while not in another with the same hardware. Either the presence of vibration is the bug, or the lack thereof.

I’m pretty sure You’ve previously mentioned this somewhere, either on these forums or in a feedback post. If the search on Canny was better I’d go look.

In steam I’ve accumulated 44 hours of VRChat play time over the last two years, and 20 of that is because I didn’t realize I could launch desktop mode via the Oculus store. I mostly use it to show people things in steam VR.

Every time I see this on the feedback site I pipe in and say that I want to opt out of it. I don’t want to see the special friends avatar.

The abuse vector is this: have a gore or other brain rot avatar and just only show it to certain people.

Hard pass.

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Yeah if it doesn’t happen via Meta/Oculus program then it would suggest that is not bound to VRC but to Steam. But then I have no idea why Steam is causing it. Still would love for a VRC team member to just confirm but I don’t know how to get an answer.

For the input remapping with SteamVR input 2.0, I was wondering how feasible it would be to have one of the mappable functions be to take a screenshot? Not a SteamVR screenshot but a VRchat screenshot like the one thats available in the menu? Sometimes I wanna just take a quick picture without having to pull out the camera and the SteamVR screenshots aren’t great because they’re 1:1 and show all of the UI. It’d be nice to have a mappable option to take a high resolution 16:9 photo without the UI in it

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Could even make the timer on the portal a visual thing. Like maybe the edge slowly changing around in a clockwise pattern, maybe slowly changing color or becoming visually unstable. Like a circular/radial progress bar.

Is there a better place to post feedback for this feature? An existing canny post?

This is probably the most exciting update for us avatar creators ever.

Thank you! :heart:

Found it, early June

Updated portals look great!

The problem is adding an appealing option that catalyzes decayed socialization. This happened with orange status as a large chunk of the population are persistently difficult to interact with because of the “unknown”-type deterrent of the location being “private” and status changing being too much effort or usually being used for other things than what would they are doing at any given moment.
…The key with orange though is the severe discrepancy between the reason someone turns it on, and the affect it has on others. Psychologically, orange status differs little from red status, and has a “do not disturb” effect, because of not having enough information to incentivize requesting.

Having a complete toggle off for grabbables has advantages and disadvantages. For example if someone buries someone in stuffies while they slept for a cute bit, the person waking up, if they had props disabled, they would have no clue they were buried in stuffies, and that’s a missed interaction. Sure that’s a silly and unnecessary thing, but when these add up by the dozen, it subtracts from the experience because they may not even know what they were missing.

This also occurs with people who disable avatar animators - where people may be commenting on a cute dress or something and then the one doofus that has animators disabled may have a delayed reaction or possible no realization that everyone else is seeing something different they are. This is more destructive to social interaction than people tend to realize.

Personal mirror is very clearly defined being a personal mirror, that’s it’s function from start to finish, it’s a mirror for you only. It allows you to set it transparent so you can see yourself and who you are interacting with at the same time, this is productive in taking people away from the socially damping context of everyone staring at a wall. If someone has their mirror set to opaque (reflecting environment) then yes this creates a barrier that can cause someone to be unaware of what’s happening behind it.

I notice these things all the time in peoples’ behaviour patterns… Ofc blocking is the worst case where is actually extremely disruptive of conversation flow for everyone in the room if anybody talking is blocking anybody else who is talking. But avatars also affect this, as do worlds.

I already find it impossible to interact with quest users because they never see the correct avatar and it’s too much work to try and make quest compatible versions that give a similar enough experience. People see me as something not me.

. . . It is very important that i am talking to someone and communication is happening; if we’re both talking past eachother with a different realtime experience, then communication is nil and it’s not worth engaging in. This is a pervasive issue that variably hampers peoples’ ability to bond on the platform and can lead to more shallow fragile relationships.

Synchronous experience is a very big deal (aside from again, i consider mirrors to be one of the exceptions as long as everybody knows where they are and can turn it on to join the spot).

VRChat needs improved synchronicity* between users from it’s current state, not more breaks from it.

*(ie better networking, sync physics etc)

Recent displeasure i’ve experienced, fooling around with friends and i have a pistol on an avatar i’m using, i can fire that semi-auto at probably around 8-10 shots per second, and they only ever see a couple shots remotely… Breaking the immersion and fun of fooling around with these. I have some ideas to improve this, but the update rate of parameters is the limit (which is 8-12hz iirc)… The networking limitation eats up IK precision too - this was all implemented to pander to quest, having pc users suffer quality for it.

Sorry for long post - i just spend a lot of time on topics like these, and there’s a lot of ground to cover. …I can’t agree with the notion of implementing systems to satisfy the insecurity of the few, at the cost of everyone else’s quality of experience. I’m sure VRChat also considers topics like these a lot when weighing pros and cons of whether they should implement a feature to the game.


No yeah I know I made that, but I didn’t do a bug report I’m sure. This is a freature request.

What is the scope of Creator Docs?

Can everything related to avatars and world creation be included?

For example common painting techniques to sketching and general school colouring to commercial colouring knowledge etc?

Sorry if this goes too far, but it’s an extreme situation to think about.

Will there be more discussion forums and refereeing on this?

Because the broader the coverage, the more controversies there tend to be, and it is possible that everyone’s differences in cognition may lead to invalid discussions or even invalid contributions.

Because VRchat is freedom enough, it’s still not as good as a game engine, but it’s complex enough to encompass too many aspects.

Although it may be too early to worry.

This update broke all my old world constraints to where I can’t see them but others not in the beta can. It also broke AFK detection where when I go AFK, my body just stands there instead of going into its AFK pose. Once I opted out of the beta, everything worked again.

When will quest users get to hear avatar audio again? I know this is a faq but we had it for what seemed to be a week or so

My guess is that they’ll be able to add it without breaking more important features as soon as they discontinue support for the quest 6

Do you have any actual proof or knowledge that this is exclusively done for Quest Validation? This very much just sounds like a general networking issue, honestly one that could largely be mitigated on your part if anything even. But no matter what-- VRC is an intense game with many people, physics elements and avatar/world attributes to network and sync for-- There’s not really much of a way to completely eliminate that, and I honestly doubt that’s really a “Quest Pandering” thing solely, and with Quest gone, all your toggles and actions would perfectly translate.

Also Ngl, a lot of your sentiments just come off as a bit extreme-- Of course we all want immersion and sync to the highest degree, but the technical realities of the situation are what they are-- There’s only so much that can be done about that generally, and especially currently when really I don’t think that’s what most of us are top-priority deeply concerned with; no matter what, not like everyone will see your avi as well on PC-- I use both Quest and PC, hate to tell you, but even on PC I often don’t have everyone’s Avis on-- Most people I interact with don’t until usually some sort of interaction happens to warrant turning them on, Quest may have the inability to turn your Avis on, but no matter what you’re going ro be dealing with people who sometimes Don’t wanna/can’t safely turn on your Avis-- Ones that from the sounds of the Difficulty converting to quest, are probably heavily intensive in the first place.

I also don’t really agree with your Psychological take on Orange Status-- It is not the same as DND, Blue is leaving your door open, Orange is closing it and telling people to knock, Red is ignoring the door altogether, you can’t even hear it-- I don’t think it’s negative for people to close their doors and ask people to knock-- And personally, I find it much more anxiety inducing to walk into someone’s open-door house than to just knock and ask-- At least then I know what they’re doing, and if I show up it’s because I know they wanted me there lol.

Regardless though: VRChat is a majorly personalized experience, I doubt that aspect is going away to fit your own “Don’t compensate for the weak” mindset you have there.