Developer Update - 20 July 2023

Nope! If you are online when clicking the button to switch to an avatar, it shows a popup saying that you may need to restart your client for the changes to take effect. This may change in the future, but the primary intention is to allow users to easily change avatars while outside of VRChat.

If you want to be able to change to the avatar immediately while in VRChat, there is a button to add it to your VRChat favorites as well.

I think your concern is valid, but it’s targeted at the wrong thing. I don’t think vrchat really said anything specific about the flow of avatar worlds. Everyone just assumed that’s how it was.

What VRChat could do to solve this problem, and where you should focus your energy is:

  1. Avatar upload tokens. A way for avatar creators to upload to someone else’s account, but doesn’t need their login info and can’t do anything except upload an avatar. This would eliminate the need for public sharing.

  2. Avatar permissions: Probably not necessary if 1 is implemented, but a way to restrict avatars to certain users.

As a stop gap for now: You could always upload public, let them test, then make it private afterwards.

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You might have to help me out here, I’m not sure what you’re talking about. VRC+ profile override? Do you mean the user icon, or?

As soon as we’ve got the bugs with it sorted out, so if I had to guess, a week from now? That’s a wild guess, do NOT hold it as a launch date.

We action content that’s reported that violates our Terms of Service or Community Guidelines. If there’s something up that you think violates those, let our moderation team know.

No ETA, right now the spine updates are in closed beta.

So, you don’t see this warning unless you try to use the button when you’re online in VRChat, but the avatar change via the web doesn’t take effect until you change worlds. Tech limitation.

We’ve got a lot more coming, I hope I can tell you about a bunch of them.

No plans right now. We’re in a weird spot. Constraints are half-dead in the later versions of Unity in favor of other systems. They got implemented and then half-abandoned, which means even the latest version of Unity has a poorly implemented constraints system.

We’d like to implement our own constraint system that you can either use directly or just replace unity constraints at runtime, but that’s kind of a big project and we don’t have resources to do it right now.

So, idk. No news on this.

I’ve wanted real actual oAuth for years but we don’t have the time or resources to properly implement just yet. Isn’t on our immediate roadmap.

No plans


Ah, that’s a bummer. I know already that adding avatars to my favorites through VRCX doesn’t update them in game unless I restart (the exception is the wings avatar view), so does this mean the avatar list in the small/big menu will be refreshed at least?

so still sounds like it’s quite a handy system for long-term Avatar storage for avatars you want to keep an eye on but don’t plan on wearing in a hurry or the category of oh I found a avatar a friend would love but I don’t plan on wearing

Yeah, we hope that people will be able to post on, say, Twitter, and link to the avatar. Then people can click that link, log into VRChat home, favorite it, and try it later (or put it on and log into VRC)


Ah, so it’s like the avatar reset for when you get an avatar that crashes on load.

Was hoping for it to be usable in this manner, but oh well, I’ll keep dreaming. xD

“I don’t think vrchat really said anything specific about the flow of avatar worlds. Everyone just assumed that’s how it was.”

No, they explicitly stated this in the past as the reason why there was no search functionality.

“As a stop gap for now: You could always upload public, let them test, then make it private afterwards.”

That wouldn’t let the person continue using it. This was specifically for people who were not technical enough to go through the Unity setup and upload process.

I’m rather upset at Tupper’s non-answer to my post but I’d be lying if I said I was expecting anything more.

You asked me if VRChat would ever do something about the avatar search worlds in VRChat. While I understand that you’re frustrated that worlds like that have made it harder for avatar worlds to be competitive (because searching by text is easier, of course), none of that is against our rules.

You’re also frustrated that Public avatars are available to everyone. While, yes, that is the definition of “Public avatar”, I agree that there’s absolutely a use case for something more restrictive than public but less restrictive than private.

I think that these search worlds are on a line. I’m not personally sure which side of the line they’re on! They clearly illustrate a need for us to establish new avatar types or permissions. They also illustrate a burning desire for avatar search. If nothing else, that’s very valuable data.

I will note, before I finish:

This is kind of an older opinion that we delivered half a decade ago in various non-official statements.

We want people to find an avatar they identify with and feel comfortable in, and if they can’t find one, we want to help them make one.


very nice update…kinda wished delete avatar would also be available in-game… too many times i uploaded an avatar to my account and find huge errors and just decide to delete it…but have to either open browser>go to vrchat site> go to profile> go to avatars> find said avatar> delete avatar or open VCC> open project > open sdk control panel> open avatars tab > search said avatar > delete avatar

would be much easier if it was a button under your own uploaded avatars

VRCX (and the API) has had this feature for a while, it’s just now exposed to the web frontend so you can link public avatars on social media without having to tell people to install a third-party tool.

Not user icons, the rectangle ones! There is no option for “none” in the client, like there is on the website.

There was at one point but it was removed with the UI redesign. Gotta use the website to clear it out now if you want to go back to it just showing your currently worn avatar.

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Two ideas, one is to try and get in contact with the people who manage the list.

The other idea is to slowly change the id for the avatars.

I hope to see more granular avatar permissions in the future, and I vote for such canny posts as I see them.

Silly idea, mark one private and see if you can report it not working if they have a discord or Google form or whatever. Then when it’s no longer listed, make it public again.

Really cool updates! I hope that this can lead to an avatar search function within the VRC client and website.

Perhaps when Avatar Search does go live, the SDK can be updated with a checkmark that states “do not appear In search results.” and the world content policy could be updated at that time to disallow avatar search worlds.

Why do you need to delete avatar? Are these avatar you upload, they have broken, and you delete and walk away?

I think that an official avatar search would be a good carrot to offer in regards to encouraging avatars with good performance metrics. Make the requirement to actually be a search result be poor or better for both quest and PC. Or medium.

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I like this idea a lot.


There has been lots of talk about this. It’s definitely been on the table for a while. We’ll have to wait and see what will happen.

That’s a shame. Cuz this is one of the more annoying things. How about adding a button to refresh the list manually? Would prevent unnecessary extra load on the API

Sounds coolio

I am definitely glad you are making use of this data and wanting to act in accordance with it.

That’s all nuance that’d have to come after laying groundwork for the functionality of more contextual avatar sharing first.

It’s not like there hasn’t been canny topics asking for this that are 5 years old…
This one is from Apr 2018 with 598+ voters.

Sorry new users can only add 5 urls

It really perplexes me that for a platform dependent on user created content the two extremes are:

Learn to 3D model, then learn to navigate/use Unity, and then learn the VRChat Avatar SDK, then upload.
Go through multiple avatar worlds, search though images on pedestals and individually try out those avatars until you find something you like.

You have built a platform where your avatar is extremely personal, the notion of having a unique to you avatar is a natural consequence.

I see the vrchat team banging on about AcCoUnT sEcuRiTy all the time but simultaneously appear to be oblivious to the fact that if your users don’t have the technical skills/knowhow and a Windows PC with Unity, the only other option for a unique avatar is to give someone else your login credentials so that user can upload an avatar to your account.

For Quest (and in the future Android) and potentially new non-PC platforms like PSVR, you don’t even have the option to use Unity.

How this is not a priority for the VRChat development perplexes me, if not from a user convenience point of view, but also strongly from an account security point of view.

Given how mature the avatar private/public system is, surely it wouldn’t eat up too much of a talented developer’s time to add this sort of feature to your backend? Say a loose approximation of a week to develop and test.

Another perspective is the cost of hosting duplicate content. Avatars are stored indefinitely and sharing out a single avatar vs having people upload lots of duplicates means that in the long run, you’re not holding onto as much data. Scaled up to hundreds of thousands of avatars using on average 10-100 MB and I’ve got to imagine that you’d start to recoup some costs in the reduced storage.

So I guess the response I want to hear from VRChat in regards to some sort of private avatar whitelisting, selective sharing feature is:

  • Has VRChat identified this as an area of interest for further development?
  • Assuming the above, what level of prority is this for VRChat?
  • What sort of vague timeframe could we, your users, expect any action on this issue?

In regards to uploading avatars for other users for example via the Unity Avatar SDK using something like a token, once again:

  • Has VRChat identified this as an area of interest for further development?
  • Assuming the above, what level of prority is this for VRChat?
  • What sort of vague timeframe could we, your users, expect any action on this issue?

In addition, with the existence of Tafi and the ability for a third party to upload avatars for users, I’d have to assume some sort of special API access exists and it hasn’t been made public for reasons. Would VRChat be open to working with a developer to build a similar third-party platform/website for avatar/content creators to offer avatars to be uploaded or shared to other users accounts in a secure manner (that doesn’t require using Unity).


There’s a LOT of under the hood work that needs to be done to make it viable in the first place, including a great many considerations for impact on the community and mitigating potential negatives.