Developer Update - 16 August 2022

Any updates on the development of something like IKTweaks for full body users? It’s not the biggest issue but can definitely be very frustrating not having the in-depth tuning options to ensure tracking is as accurate as possible. Also non IKTweaks shoulders on my avis is just painful to look at :stuck_out_tongue:

Have you guys considered adding the show chatbox option into the existing safety settings?

I feel like this would make a lot of sense as things like voice and user icon are already options to hide based on player rank, and most users ive experienced abusing features can fall into the visitor to user ranks. It could be prompted on the update with a notification and/or a quick menu banner saying “hey, we have updated our safety settings! Go check it out!” So the majority of players can adjust their settings immediately.
Additionally, it could be toggled on or off on a player-by-player basis similar to how the mute or block system works. If the indicator was kept, it would be easy for me to simply select a player and show their chatbox without enabling it for everyone in the room, and with the show and hide features being in the same place that all of my other personal moderation options have always been, it would be extremely easy to navigate for a user that has been using the menus for a while.

Will there be a streamer mode for desktop camera that shows its POV in recording programs?

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Day 24 of requesting for mic icon to be a separate hud element that can be toggle on or off independently.
Also, if I copy text when in VR using OVRAdvanced settings, will I be able to paste into the chatbox like how I’m able to paste into the video link box?

  1. Is Main Menu 2.0 movable in PC mode?
    Sometimes I use small avatar, operating menu and see around at the same time.
    If the menu can be moved or the opacity can be adjusted will be better!

  2. it seems there is a bug on chatbox.
    I can’t move after sending first chatbox, then I can move after sending chatbox again.
    I’m not sure it happens after entering a world or not. (but it happends many times)

  3. It often shows “invalid URL” when play YouTube video link.
    I’m sure the links are valid (can be played) before.


This is awesome, vrchat really is moving in the right direction and it shows. Keep it up!


Very interesting. VRChat has recently added a lot of new features, which surprised me. I love it!


I agree, let us do scaling unrestricted.
And if world creators would like to limit scaling in their world, have it be something they have to add in themselves. Don’t limit it by default.

VR is about doing weird stuff like being super tiny or giant and stomping around like a goofball and having fun. Don’t turn this into another “no fun allowed” update like you did with the self chairs please I beg you.


After some time using the chat box, one thing I’d like to request is the ability to see my own messages without looking straight up, probably as a HUD element. I intend on primarily using the chat box via STT programs and OSC so that other people who may have difficulty hearing or understanding me will have captioning as I speak. For anyone who’s seen STT being used before, and most people have, you’ll know it can be unreliable at times. I would like a way to ensure that the words STT thinks I’m saying are the words I’m actually saying so I can correct myself if they’re not.

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I mean, the points you made are also positives to having avatar search. If a creator has a model that shouldn’t be publicly uploaded, they can now easily search and find the people publicly uploading them, and deal with them accordingly.

Private avatars stay private and you just an additional option when uploading public:

-Public and searchable
-Public not searchable

Retroactively tag all existing public avatars as ‘public not searchable’

It’s neat seeing these new features roll out, but there is one feature that I’ve really been missing since the Security Update dropped that has been really bugging me that is a wonderful quality of life feature (in my personal opinion)…

Microphone Sensitivity Adjustment.

Either for people who talk very quietly, trying to make a noise to demonstrate something for someone, and especially trying to play music through your microphone without having to be blaringly loud for the “quiet” parts of anything you’re playing to be heard.

The fact that this game has a base threshold for volume where it refuses to transmit any sounds (that cannot be changed) being made is mildly annoying at some times, and incredibly infuriating at others.

At the very least I and dozens of other people I know would appreciate a simple feature like this being added. Thank you for your time. <3

Edit: Clearly I was not following dev updates properly, it already exists.

“creators to be able to lock down controls on that and many other features.”
I feel like overall limiting the maximum and minimum size for game worlds is a great idea but anything else not really it should be default allow scaling and if the world creator want to disable scaling they should opt into it rather than opting out. Doing it that way should limit the 1 inch models and murder and the one 1000 foot tall people in tag. The ability to make animations for scaling rather than VR chat making scaling animations because I feel that will cause more issues because everyone has different avatars than others. :grinning:

Please make this for next Update

Avatar Real Height ( When you choose a smaller avatar or crouching you can get under the table or the chair for example )

Join Notification

SteadyCam Smooth motion Changer When you move in VR Desktop view be fixed Camera or increase smoothness that makes the camera move

Trust Level Color Customizable, OutLine, or Full Color

Master Lobby Icon

Instance History that Recently Joined World even if you Left the game you can rejoin instance World

Play List that Shows everyone in instance Lobby, Player Count number by name queue who last join, Trust Level and Color, Avatar Performance, Platform PCVR or PC or Quest, Ping & FPS

Auto Clear Catch for Avatar, World, and Game Catch option OFF & ON (Auto Clear Catch every time when you join a world

Avatarperformance status

You can see the avatar author who made this avatar when you use their public avatar

Latest Update of Unity 2022

Latest Support AMD FSR 2.0 & DLSS 2.4 inGame Settings

Graphics Visual Ingame Settings Toggle ON or OFF or Slide or Default World Settings Example:
Motion blur
Lens Flare on Screen
Depth of field
Ambient occlusion
Screen space reflections
Particles effects
Film grain or Flim noise
Volumetric lighting
Chromatic aberration

When do you guys plan to take down the ripperstore website because they just gave credits to every account to download private avatars.

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This already exists in the Open Beta. We’ve talked about it a handful of times in these updates. Have you tried it?

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Any plans to look into this again? Hiding Nameplate profile icons. The current system is a bandaid to try and add value to VRC+



Avatar Real Height. So much existing content would break

Join Notification is part of UI 2.0

Latest Update of Unity 2022. This would break almost all existing content. Currently they are looking into reducing the effect switching from SPS to SPS-I would cause.

Graphics Visual Ingame Settings Toggle ON or OFF or Slide or Default World Settings. Sadly true post processing controls are never going to happen.

Play List. even just a simple wing with the list of players in the lobby similar to the social tab

Auto Clear Catch for Avatar, World, and Game Catch option OFF & ON (Auto Clear Catch every time when you join a world. The devs specifically don’t want this as it increases network cost

but thats not true, you can do 16k picture without tiling, i explained that many times already too. I have no idea how they even got the idea of tiling. The only possible issue is picture not fitting to frame buffer but that can be fixed by adjusting antialiasing setting for high res pictures to be lower (especially that its not really needed much). no weird hacks needed. Was using 16k pictures without issues.

Closed, new post is up: Developer Update - 19 August 2022

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