Developer Update - 10 November 2022

Why wont there be a way to view the new year stream later? That is such a shame, you should just upload the whole thing to your Youtube channel. Will there at least be a way for us to find each video used?

Please please please. We are not developing on mobile tablets, please give us a compact view for projects. Viewing 8 at a time with no sorting options or dates visible is awful design. Why is there so much padding? Unity Hub literally just went through a redesign, all you have to do is look at what they did. Few columns, click to sort, compact list. Please and thank you.

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Avatar scaling is getting some movement recently, but nothing to talk about just yet.

We don’t have any current plans for viewball adjustment but it’s in the “people want this” list.

it has done its duty and now deserves its rest :bowing_man:

Using the previous NYE map, with some updates and a new theme!

We’re adjusting for visual noise, but it is meant to emulate Times Square, which is… uh…just a little visually noisy

So… less-lerpy lerp? :confused:

Faster smoothing?

The reason you’re jittering in those cases is because your position is literally jittering, I think.

You should post a Feedback board item!

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To be succinct: the same reason vtubers don’t save their karaoke VODs.

You should post that to the Bugs and Feature Requests section of the VRCC docs!


@tupper you have plans with toxic players anything for in the future.

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Lots! We’ll talk about it later, as noted in the previous dev update’s final post, as well as the conclusion of this post.


@tupper Okay! :+1:

Lots! We’ll talk about it later, as noted in the previous dev update’s final post, as well as the conclusion of this post.

Will the NYE world have any accessibility features like reducing motion, disabling video screens (not reducing quality), disabling FX and sounds, etc? Last year you could only reduce the stream quality but not turn it off or disable the stream or secondary screens.

Is there any plan to republish the old VRChat maps? Worlds like steel’n gold or CTF but “remastered”? I’d love to be able to play those games again. Also old event worlds like the past New Years and hubs seemed to just vanish. Those are nostalgic! Thanks!

If SDK2 is removed, will there be any replacement for Web Textures? JP community relies on these heavily to update posters for multiple worlds without manually updating each world. It allows for shared posters to be updated by their community leaders without giving login information. Most people and international communities don’t over-rely on social media or discord for information. This will have a hugely negative impact on how half the player base sends and receives information

Is there ANYTHING in the pipeline to replace this?

This particular feature will just be enabled in the NYE world. However, we’ll take what learn a lot about how well it works (or not) on people’s systems as we look at expanding its features to the camera and beyond.

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I remember Udon Images being mentioned years ago in a dev post. I think they are concerned about people making GET requests with it. For now creators can use Avatar Images to encode data for that.

From what I understand those worlds relied on methods that simply don’t work anymore. They’d have to be remade in Udon. That’s possible, but we don’t currently have plans to do so!

No news right now, no current replacement, but we know this is a big deal.

It’s probably an appropriate time to ask on a background of NY map news:
Are you guys planning on making, or at least updating, vrchat own game worlds? Of ALL VRC oficcial worlds from even 2 years ago(and especially from 3+ years) only VRChat Home and Hub are properly working, all others that people loved(Wild West, Battle Disks, PvP Bridge, this Snow BattleGround Map you even made a video-presentation for etc.) are all broken, some replaced by community.
I’m just trying to say it would’ve be a great idea for VRC to present some new features with new official worlds, for example: Since you guys play with camera, how about you allow for everyone this abillity to record and translate video in 1 special world you’ll make, i can already imagine how popular it will be, you can just use Custom Scripts for the time being as you guys always did for your maps(Markers in presentation room etc), and let people do same with Udon in a few month or a year when feature will be inplemented in Udon properly.
Plus, this is potential solution to something people been concerned a litle above - 26 hours of Pure Community Content stream just being gone, you can translate it 24/7 in this one SPECIFIC world you’ll make officially from vrc, no youtube or copiright involved needed then.

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I have a question.

Will all existing world and avatar project be required to migrate to VCC by January 2023?

Curious if Steam Audio has been put on the back burner?

It was mentioned way back on a dev blog and hasn’t been brought up since then.

Eventually the older SDK versions will stop working so Its best to upgrade as soon as possible.

They won’t stop working in January 2023, but we will be taking down the straight UnityPackage downloads and all updates will be via VCC from there out

Eventually, as codel points out, they’ll stop working (or get broken or etc) so it’ll be best to upgrade as soon as possible. Upgrading doesn’t take long at all, for all my projects I’ve upgraded it’s less than 5 minutes.

Last time it got mentioned, it was stated that we’re waiting on some fixes from upstream, as far as I’m aware that’s still the case.

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I can’t wait to see escape rooms and horror worlds that grab a recording of people solving the room or running in fear from some unseen terror toward the camera. Better photo booths as well, potentially.

Any updates on dlss? I seem to remember that being what was planned to replace FSR, but its been all silent since it was mentioned.

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