Creator Companion Broken after Win11 update, VRC FAQ unhelpful

After a recent Windows 11 update my girlfriend’s Creator companion is bringing up the error in the image below, we’ve even already tried enabling developer mode to uninstall Edge in it’s entirety, VRC CC entirely, reinstalling both, and it still says WebView2 is already installed and still brings up the error, any insight into this issue is appreciated, thank you!

We just resolved this issue, we had to go into regedit (open by typing “regedit” into the search bar), and following this path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINELM->SOFTWARE->WOW6432Node->Microsoft->EdgeUpdate->Clients, and delete the "{F3017226-FE2A-4295-8BDF-00C3A9A7E4C5}|

If possible please update the VRC FAQ page to add this fix for anyone else who may have this issue, someone else on the CC github also had this problem.

Is this the mention on GitHub?

If you want an entry added to a FAQ, best bet might be to suggest an edit?