Configurable hotkeys (or OSC) to control Desktop Stream Camera

To change Desktop Stream Camera angle, I have to press Esc, doubleclick Camera tab, mouseswipe to Pins, click, select a pin, press Esc. During lag, this is nearly impossible as the UI becomes unresponsive. Could you please provide optional custom configurable hotkeys with which I could switch to a camera pin? Could you perhaps even expose this to OSC so I could create a WinForms program that hooks my keyboard and sends an OSC command?

As of typing this, I figured wouldn’t it be cooler to have an entire set of camera controls hotkeyified/OSCified. I could bind these to my NumLock similarly to how some worlds have cameras like that.

Here’s an example binding I’d go with:
0=reset anchor
comma=local anchor
3=world anchor
1=pin 1
7=pin 2
9=pin 3
5=toggle look-at-me
divide=zoom out
multiply=zoom in
divide+multiply=reset zoom
enter=toggle camera on/off (useful to let OBS see Window Capture instead)