Can anyone help me with this error? "Vrchat - Unity 2022.3.6f1-DWR_7f7cdaa6e224

Absolutely, Try updating the Intel Arc Drivers. That did it for me, If it doesnt, do what I did to mess it up in the first place, downgrade it, it will be messed up, then upgrade again with manually getting to the intel website and downloading the latest build.

Im having the same problem but i cant seem to find a way to fix it

In my attempts I may have found the cause of the problem as well as the solution. If you are using a CPU with P and E cores as in my case, you need to disable the e core for vrchat to make sure the game is running in the P core. This seems to be the main cause of crashes in the game, at least I haven’t crashed so far after doing this. We can add a launch option to the game to use only the P core via “–affinity=arg”. In my case my cpu has 8 p-cores and I wrote “–affinity=FF”. Hope this helps.

Reference doc: Launch Options