Anisotropic filtering defaults on Quest/Android/iOS - any potential issues?

Hey y’all! Back with another couple questions to make sure I don’t break everything for you.

For a few months we’ve been weighing making the default Anisotropic Filtering level on Android (or, at least, on Quest) 2x, as most people don’t remember to adjust texture settings and leave it at the default (Bilinear, 1x AF).

Current line of thinking is to make the default 2x, to give a slight advantage over Trilinear without breaking the bank. A couple things to consider:

  • You can still forcibly disable AF on any individual texture by setting its AF level to 0.
  • This will be closer to in-line with how Desktop works, where AF is forced on by default (16x on desktop)
  • Some benchmarks I was looking at many months ago suggested 2x AF to be slightly faster than Trilinear on modern mobile hardware… but I can’t find them anywhere so I may have dreamed that

Mostly what I’m looking for is - is there any existing content you can think of that will be totally broken by this change?

I wish I knew more about these things but there are only so many hours in a day :-) Meanwhile… could you provided a little guidance here that might illustrate how we can set the options and actually view the results?

If some adjustments could be applied to my test world for instance and I could view before and after that would help. I wouldn’t know a ton more about the impact but I’d know a little more.

Also are there any test worlds created by VRC that might illustrate this difference? And (while I’m asking) test worlds could demo any number of features people either don’t know about or know how to use.