606TH TFS world "World of the Falcons" and testing air base of the 606th TFS sky wolves

Hi again, just want to share my ideas with you all again if it is okay with everyone.

Today I have been working on my world of the falcons for my 606th TFS grey wolves air base, there are several areas to train and explore while you fly with the F-16. Whether to train or just for fun, this world can offer a wonderful fighter pilot experience with the ability to train your piloting skills and simulate dogfighting practices while for fun or actual training.




Livery 1 (experimental).

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Livery 2 (standard).

Standard Livery sheet.

Emblems, fuselage art and roundels:
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Roundel (semi Official).

Roundel (pre-approval).

Roundel (trial).

Roundel (official).

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Fuselage art (official).

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Squadron emblem (official).

Have a great day with vrchat.

Testing air base of the 606th TFS sky wolves:

Hello, I have made a art of my testing air base of the 606th TFS sky wolves where my fictional F-16 designed jets will be tested and flown by the squadron and me.

NL:Hallo, ik heb een kunst gemaakt van mijn testluchtbasis van de 606e TFS-luchtwolven, waar ik mijn fictieve ontworpen F-16-straaljagers zal testen en vliegen door mijn squadron en mijzelf.



Planes to be tested/ vliegtuigen om getest te worden:

Chase planes/Volg vliegtuigen:

Equipment to be tested/uitrusting om uitgetest te worden:



Plane that will get a upgrade/vliegtuigen die een upgrade zullen krijgen:


Flight maneuvers/vlieg bewegingen.

Note that this is my art showcasing the testing air base of my squadron.

NL: houd rekening ermee dat dit mijn kunst presentatie is van de test vliegbasis van mijn squadron.

With flight worlds, you have to keep in mind that the farther you get from origin (0,0,0), the worse your “jitter” gets!

This is due to floating point error:


On top of this, the error is even worse on Android and Quest, because they only have half-precision floats vs PC.

So you should design your map so everything interesting is near the center, and the outer edges don’t have as much going on.

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Hi Tupper, sorry that I didn’t expected you too replying to my topic this lately. yes this map was to me my experimental map design, but it’s good to point out things that I may not have noticed.
As for the information, it is wise to point out errors that I may not be aware of until now.

I shall tomorrow or now perhaps improve my map and post it as a “improved” map if it is ok to you.

Hi nils, I moved your new post into this thread. You should keep all your posts about your world and development progress in a single thread, so people don’t have to click all around to find it!

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Thanks Tupper, you are appreciated for this.