Personal Avatar Vehicle testing world

Hello i came to share with you my pav test world.

I have told everyone about the PAV personal avatar vehicle as a avatar item throughout the duration of 2024, now I would like to show you my vrchat PAV testing world in detail.


The base has 5 buildings that will aid in the tests of the personal avatar vehicle:

  1. Base pavement to walk and to spawn the PAV.
  2. Hangars with world aircraft (world items).
  3. Air Traffic Control tower for communication with world aircraft and the personal avatar vehicle.
  4. Taxiway for both the world aircraft and the PAV.
  5. The runway to take off from.


The world is perhaps simple in world standard, but there are key things to look out for:
:motorway:: highways and roads connecting towns and cities.
:office:: Cities to visit and reside.
:house:: Towns to visit and explore.
:deciduous_tree:: Forests to explore and visit.
:hospital:: Hospitals to stay and recover.
:satellite:: Radar stations to monitor the performance of the personal avatar vehicle.

Have a good day.

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