2018 vive stick controler changed everything is broken

so my model is stuck in this open hand gesture,and the controlers changed to something else entirelly , i think this new hand tracking update broke how the vive sticks work, this is how it is working and how it was supposed towork:

so both controlers have a touch pad and i can click the touchpads, when i just touch the touch pad it start to move , when it was supposed to give a emote from the f1 up to f7 depending where i hover my finger and a f8 when i press the trigger, i cant do emotes right now since i start to move before i click just by using the touchscreen and its stuck in open hand for some reason, while i was suposed to press it where i wanted to move and not just hover , its not my controlers since i tested with both of them without ovr and in default settings,

I also cant find the vive controller toogle in the menu, im pretty sure there was a controler toggle before for regular vive controllers.

i was using the beta, i changed it back to the regular one, it works now

vrchat has tracked this issue so it will probably be fixed before it leaves open beta
you can look at it here.