New update bricked Hand Gestures for Index Users

Everyone I know who uses Hand Gesture Animations and has an index has been stuck on default hand tracking since the update happened

Any index users that use Hand Gesture Animations not having this issue?

Anyone know a fix? they worked fine before the update, I didn’t upload a new model, they just stopped working across the board


Bump, having the same issue. My avatars rely on custom gestures, so this really sucks. Let’s hope they fix this quickly.

Same here. Custom gestures are not working on Index controllers.

I saw mention about this in the weekly thread.

also it doesn’t seem to matter what layer the costume hand/finger gestures are in. For Index users the state will always fall to default.

I believe the game somehow overrides all the finger (animation changes) and set it to Default Tracking.

Its a known bug, we’ll have it fixed next week.


Please fix this…

was it fixed successfully? there was VRChat update about 4 hours after your comment :slight_smile:

Should be fixed now!

This is still broken. Fingers work fine in steamvr, but not vrchat. And in the controller bindings menu there is a ghost copy of vrchat with a black image, and all of the default bindings. I’ve reinstalled vrchat, steamvr, and all of my extra tools (ovrtoolkit, oyasumivr, ovr advanced settings, etc) multiple times, and nothing has worked. Changing the bindings for both the actual vrchat, and the ghost copy does not work. Setting the bindings to default on E V E R Y T H I N G does not work. In the debug menu I can only have a gesture weight of either 0, or 2 for each hand. I’m sending this to support too.

I found the solution. I went in depth on the discord. But to fix you have to uninstall vrchat NOT THROUGH STEAM. For whatever reason that doesn’t work. Instead go to apps and features in windows, and uninstall from there. You are fine to reinstall from steam when this is done.