Word optimization for quest

Hi, I bought a world and modified it in Unity. The only downside is that the base world isn’t compatible with Android. I tried fixing the compilation errors, and the world does load, but when entering the world from Quest, it lags a lot, whereas on a smartphone, everything works fine. Could someone give me some tips?

A lot of factors can affect world performance! This post lists ways to optimize your world: Luna's General Tips for optimizing VRChat worlds

Here’s a guide by Unity on how to optimize your VR content. (Please note that some of the steps/settings are not available in the VRChat Worlds SDK)

i used the occlusion culling everything is static and the texture are like less than 1k. if that can help

If your scene is using real-time lighting, have you tried baking your lighting? It can really improve performance.

More generally, frame Debugging can help you find out whether your scene has an unusually high amount of draw calls, and why: Unity - Manual: Debug a frame

I’m grateful for your catch, Fax. Keep up the good work!