Trying to block a group via the website, but doesn't work

{"error":{"message":"You must leave a group before blocking it․","status_code":403}}

Any updates?
The leave request clearly states I’m not a member, yet I cannot block it.

{"error":{"message":"You're not a member․","status_code":403}}

Sounds like you might want to contact VRChat support, they should be able to force you out of a group.

Ive got a silent version of this same issue. I want to block a group due to some stuff i didn’t like (sketchy stuff…Reported many months ago) going on in there, but clicking the block button for the group does nothing, not even an error message.

Its just the one group, too.

Thanks for reporting this issue!

Would you mind reporting it at

Your issue seems similar to Impossible to block group using the button on the group page | Voters | VRChat, but it might be unrelated.