I’m hoping to upload my first avatar but it’s all grey in unity and when I went to test it.
I was hoping the lack of color was a unity only thing and it would be colored in-game but it’s not.
It’s got a texture in blender so I don’t know what’s going on. What do I do?
Blender and Unity have differences in how they handle materials. I think you can get unity to extract the textures out of the fbx/blend file and save a copy into the project.
I am always lazy with how textures are named in my blender files, so I handle the textures myself.
Depending on what you’ve been up to, maybe the project already has material that you can assign within the unity project. Otherwise you’ll need to create materials.
When I make a material I start with the VRChat mobile toon lit shader.
Unity might have a white material created from your model file, you cannot edit that material. You can tell unity to use a different material for the particular model via remapping.
Could you please elaborate? This is my first time using unity so i have no idea what most of that means. Thanks
Well, for the texture, is there a copy in the unity project? Like is the texture pre existing, or did you make it?
Unity needs to have a copy of the texture file in the project. Like a PNG file laying about.
If you drop a file onto Unity, specifically onto the assets, unity will make a copy of that file.
I put the png in there. What next?
Right click a blank spot on the assets, create, I think material is halfway down
For this material, with the standard shader the texture gets assigned to the albedo texture. Assign the texture, and then drop the material onto the avatar. If there are more than one material slot, it might want to apply to the wrong slot, but you can try holding it over different parts.
Or click on the avatar, select the skinned mesh and the inspector thingy should have a list of material slots
Sorry for the trouble I got the solution somewhere else. Thank you though