Right Quest Touch gestures incorrectly in steamvr streaming

In quest3s using steamlink to stream, the right Quest Touch has the wrong gesture on some models, and the fist gesture cannot be made

Have you tried using alternative methods like Virtual Desktop or Air Link for streaming? These options might offer better support for hand gestures.

In some models, the right quest touch is used normally, so the solution is to change the model, and the model with the problem does not know where the problem is

Thank you very much for the feedback, I appreciate you.

Yours Truly,

I and others have done tests with pico4pro and pico4, pico4 behaves normally, pico4pro has a right handle that can’t make a fist, and the model with the problem is the same author, so it is simply concluded that the problem with the model is not a device problem. Here’s a picture of the problem with the PICO4Pro

I want to be able to help others

I see.