Public NSFW worlds

I’m wondering if VRC in the future will ever allow you to make NSFW worlds and avatars and have them be available publicly to all people who are 18+ verified or if it’s forever just not gonna be allowed. Says you don’t need to scan your face to get verified but what if you DID make that a requirement? Would maybe not completely keep kids away from certain worlds and avatars but the chance of them bypassing the verification system would still be pretty small

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Given there was plans to do this for avatars Age Verification - VRChat Wiki that was then indefinitely delayed I’d say VRChat is likely open to the idea of 18+ only Worlds/Avatars but they’re likely waiting on the full rollout of Verification before truly exploring the idea.


Oh ok! Thanks for the info! Otherwise I can definitely respect their decision to just completely not allow it, I respect them then on their dedication to keep kids safe

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