OSC Developers - How to avoid abuse?

I like the idea of improving the social status. Just add a few tick boxes for displaying songs, and time.

Though the one suggestion you made were it checks the similarities of the messages might not work with a certain music chatbox osc people have been using where it shows the time of the song. Or a bar showing how far they’re into the song.

It is a bit annoying when people use magic chatbox, even when they pause the music. Its just a big grey box for a pause icon.

Feedback to “Message”/“Data” Chatbox

I think it’s not the best idea to make the system more complex with “Message” and “Data” Chatbox or simillar ideas which are introducing us to different message types. I think this makes it unnessesary more complex. espacially for new users, to understand what is happening in world. What if i have 1 message and 1 data? Will it show both or only one? Extra symbols on chatboxes would be needed which might be not selfexplaining to everyone because it’s unusually for us to divide between message types in a speech bubble. Symbols and UI would need to be created.

If we ending up with a combinatiion of this and a seperate mute button for a chat box. then this would need mute button per user too. which would make moderation section bigger and more complex. To many (low power) moderation buttons could bring people to loose overview if they need it in a situation.

Some of this arguments might be valued different from persona to persona. Just wanted to share where i could see issues coming up.

Status update over OSC

Disclaimer: I can be very wrong here with my understanding/guessing of VRChat internals. My knowledge could be off or completly wrong.

I think there is an issue of data flow and which endpoint is reposonsable for which data. Our status is part of the HTTP API. OSC messages getting send over Photon. Which make this data limited to your current instance. Photon does only have an event which pulls your latest status update into your instance. Which is why you can have a different status when you are with somebody in the same world comparet to you are not in the same world or website or vrcx when you are changing your status outside of the game while playing it.

I hope this makes it also more clear why i went imidiatly went with http api here:

It’s been a little while since there’s been discussion in this thread so I thought I’d jump back in and ask if any progress is being made or if solving this is still actively being pursued internally?

I completely understand that implementing temporary solutions over problems that will need to be overhauled again in the future isn’t ideal from a development perspective, but I just can’t help but feel frustrated when this continues to affect myself, my friends’, and any other chatbox user’s ability to meet new people in this game.

It sucks knowing that when someone is oblivious to the fact that I’m trying to talk to them it’s because I’m forced to share my communication method with persistent heartrate monitors and scrolling song titles and that a solution to this situation probably won’t be implemented for a long time because other development hurdles need to be implemented first to be as efficient as possible.

I’m sure it’s obvious at this point but this is something that continues to repeatedly bum me and other chatbox users out whenever we attempt to participate in social situations. (In reference to people turning chatboxes off to reduce OSC status clutter, defeating its intended purpose.)

I’m not going to speak for everybody, but as someone who plays this game a lot and has pretty much given up on seeking meeting new people because of the current state of the chatbox, I would be really grateful for something to be done in the meantime while a better solution is worked on rather than nothing at all.

In any case,

While I was revisiting this thread I realized I completely forgot to comment on this in my original reply.

I think this super elegant! I love that this serves as both a chatbox UX improvement (I already often look up above my head to make sure I didn’t make any typos as well as “reading along” with the person I’m talking to to estimate what part of it they’re reacting to.) while simultaneously disincentivizing people from using the chatbox as bothersome clutter. I would be very curious to see how effective this would be at swaying people towards presenting OSC statuses in less intrusive ways.

Like I mentioned in my previous reply, I strongly believe OSC statuses should become their own thing at some point, but in the spirit of needing quick solutions I think this is a strong contender.

(One last thing, while this is off-topic it felt wrong not to second this because I love rolling-update chatboxes and would love to see it as a native chatbox feature. I made a canny post for this a while back, would love to see this implemented.)

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Another thing I’d like to add is that I’ve started to suspect that some OSC status spam may be due to people not even realizing that the “chatbox visibility” setting is referring to the visibility of other people’s chatboxes and thinking it’s the visibility of how their own is seen by others.

The amount of times I’ve had people say to me something along the lines of “Sorry, I can’t see your message because you have chatboxes set to friends only!” is shocking.

This leads me to believe that some users less familiar with the functionality of the chatbox are using OSC statuses with their chatbox visibility set to ‘friends only’ thinking that it’s only showing the status to their friends.

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