No playback on Video Player on Linux

My bad, you’re right. I set up a log last night and saw yt-dlp being used. I guess the major difference is how yt-dl is implemented in the mix now(?) I’m just going off random info from threads…
But!.. While reading over this github thread again
(VRChat (438100) · Issue #1199 · ValveSoftware/Proton · GitHub) I literally just noticed something I must have glossed over a few times. There is a legit well-maintained fork of Proton-GE with an RTSP patch. (Releases · SpookySkeletons/proton-ge-rtsp · GitHub)
Also, it looks like using MPEG-TS instead is the solution. Hopefully, club owners/MCs will pick up on this and everyone will be able to enjoy music events equally in the near future!