I'm unable to create projects

I’ve tried completely reinstalling both VCC and unity multiple times and nothing is fixing these errors.

I see it tries to load the package list from vrcfury, can you try to disable all the repos in vcc before creating the project, see if it changes.

Nothing changed.

It’s very strange. Can you try to create an empty project in unity hub, then import it as existing in vcc, then add the dependencies?

Been nearly a month since my last reply lol so sorry I’ve been busy IRL and completely forgot. Tried this today and it won’t add anything to the project unfortunately. it doesn’t give me anything other than “AddVPMPackage Failed”

Can you please try removing VRCFury and trying again?

VRC fury wouldn’t be the problem as I never got to add it. The problem is that I cannot create a project. And when I import a project it opens it but it still won’t let me add anything. I created a brand new completely blank unity project using unity hub, added it as existing in VCC, and tried to add the SDK stuff and it wouldn’t add anything. I tried adding the SDK base and the avatars SDK and for both it gave me the “AddVPMPackage Failed” error.

VRC fury wouldn’t be the problem as I never got to add it.

That’s true for your project - but according to your screenshot above, the VCC still tried (and failed) to gather information about VRCFury.

Would you mind removing the VRCFury repository from your VCC and trying again? That would ensure that there aren’t any unrelated errors in your log.

You can find the full VCC log in %LocalAppData%/VRChatCreatorCompanion/Logs

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Hi, i noticed i’ve been having the exact same error message popping up and I’ve done everything to try to fix it and nothing seems to work as well?

Hi! Are you using Unity 2019 or Unity 2022?
Unity 2022 is recommended. Current Unity Version | VRChat Creation

My avatars need 2019

Thanks for clarifying!

We’re unable to reproduce the issue on our end - 2019 Avatar project creation seems to generally still work.

Would you mind checking if there’s anything else unusual about your installation or your log file? You can find your log in %LocalAppData%/VRChatCreatorCompanion/Logs.

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Thank you for sending the full log! It’s a shame that the VCC’s errors aren’t more helpful.

I spoke to our engineers, and they think there might be an issue with your internet connection or internet service provider.:thinking:

Can you please try changing your networking conditions and trying again? For example:

  • If you’re on a laptop, try using a different network.
  • Try using a VPN or a service like Cloudflare Warp.

I changed wifi and tried the vpn & it still gave the same message.

If you are asking me to remove the repository from my creator companion settings, it won’t let me.

The first screenshot is an error about unity hub I am now getting once I open VCC. The second is the error I get when I try to remove the VRCFury repository.

“Unity Hub took longer than 60s to list editors” is an error that should be fixed in an upcoming release of the VCC. It’s unrelated to the issue you’re experiencing.

The screenshot you sent contains multiple log messages. Which one in particular appeared when you tried to remove the repository?

By the way - you can press the “Copy” button in the top right to copy the text instead of taking a screenshot.