I stop seeing my avatar in the mirror

I have a strange problem, the like of which I have not found on the Internet. I stop seeing my avatar in the mirror. When I start the game there is no problem, but after a couple of hours I can no longer see my reflection in the mirror. To make the reflection appear again, I need to slightly reduce the height of my avatar. After half an hour I disappear again, reduce it again and appear. The others continue to see my reflection without problems. I changed avatars, they are all common. The height, depending on the world, has to be set to 0.8 - 1.9 meters. I play VR on PC.

Any avatar? If it’s 30 mins just need to use something else for an hour. I’d suggest one of the ones offered up by VRChat home, probably most used.

Do other people have trouble seeing you in a mirror?

Others continue to see me. And I see how I interact with other avatars in the mirror, but I don’t see myself. I slightly reduce my height in this new option in the round menu and again appear in the mirror. I tried several different avatars.

Interesting, is it just a particular world or any world?

Any world. Yesterday I completely reinstalled vrchat. Found and manually deleted all its folders and registry entries. Problem still exists!
I also reinstalled new drivers for the video card. 3060 12g

My reply to this is to try resetting your playspace. Usually when this happens to me its because for some reason My placespace got messed up, and resetting or recentering your playspace could fix it. This at least is a big thing on quest, and if your running PC vr there’s a potentially smaller, but still there, chance of it happening

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I finally understood the problem. this is because of the ovr advanced settings. The longer I use the space move, the more the problem gets worse. resetting the position in it really helps. Thank you!

Didn’t want to resurrect an old thread necessarily but I have what might be a related problem. I didn’t notice that it ever corrects but I often open the personal mirror and I can’t see myself in it. Stuff around me reflects but my avatar is not reflected. The personal “face” mirror works all the time.

sometimes resetting the ovr position doesn’t work. then resetting the avatar works. you reset your avatar, immediately appear in the mirror, and when you set it up avatar again, you remain visible

I will give that a try thanks. Sounds like a small bug that should be able to be solved however.