First off, I want to acknowledge that I’m aware of the developer update where they mentioned that FSR (FidelityFX Super Resolution) support isn’t possible. That being said, I’m reaching out now because of the recent Unity version update used in VRChat.
With the new Unity version, I’m curious: is there any chance FSR support could now be possible? I’m not entirely sure why it wasn’t feasible before, so I’m hoping for some clarification.
Additionally, if it could be supported, would it only work in Desktop mode, or could it be implemented for both Desktop and VR users? And what about Android users on Quest, Pico, or phones? Would FSR support extend to those platforms as well?
Thank you for your time, and I appreciate any insights the community or developers can share!
VRChat is a very collaborative pile of technical debt. FSR requires directx 12, and I think they’re still using directx 11.
Where a lot of these “easy to implement” items are more difficult for VRChat is that VRChat accepts content from users. I don’t know if FSR is the one with that requires motion vectors. But either way there is a lot of content that would need reuploading with compatible shaders.
At some point VRChat is likely going to have to move off of the graphics pipeline they’re using in unity, so they don’t want to say never on anything, but they really can’t give any sort of timeframe.
Just an arm chair guess but I think they’re going to put off having a big mess for as long as possible, so they can get the most benefit out of it.
A game can simply just recompile everything. VRChat tries to keep older content accessable. So their technical movements are slowed.
this was a thing before the anticheat came in for vr users trough changing one of the files in the vr files and eding a txt file so you could even add a circle what was native and what wasnt rendered even at full resolution after the anticheat came in it wasnt allowed anymore