From PTV to PAV: in summary

This is going to be a summary of my history of how the PTV became the PAV:

From PTV to PAV: the beginning (1/2)
Hello, I would like to tell you something about my PTV story. ever since I got looking for evidence of avatar vehicles, and ultimately found the evidence i was looking for, I became convinced that the previous abbreviation of PTV (Personal transport vehicle) was changed to PAV (personal transport vehicle). It was also to my relief that I got a clearer picture of avatar vehicles in the future of vrchat.

From PTV to PAV: the NAS into PAVs (2/2)
Previously I talked about how I changed the name of PTV (personal transport vehicles) into PAV (personal avatar vehicles), now I will tell you about my NAS (New Aircraft System) integration into the PAVs. I was thinking a long time ago about putting the NAS into prefab model aircraft,but after discovering it ruins the fun of everyone I decided to implement it into my PAV (F-16 PAV). Though PAV air combat will be a thing of the future, PAVs can’t neither destroy prefab models,nor can’t they be destroyed by prefab models (weapons and vehicles as prefabs btw).

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