I am making this post because I have noticed an unnecessary inconvenience.
This is how the feature works
When in a world together you can join in a party/group
this group will give you the ability to always stay together.
so when a designated leader leaves or a member suggest a world the whole group automatically joins to that world.
this would avoid the following problems
-having to drop a portal that others in that world can join and some people could not see the portal or be somewhere else in the world or be afk.
- having to invite people if you join a world and have to invite all your friends separately
some more ideas for groups
-seeing all there location in the world
-being able to talk to them globally
-being able to see who is in a group together (icon or a tether) this would make its easy to see who are together hanging out
this is my first time posting so if i did something wrong in the topic or tag pls tell me