Developer Update - 27 October 2022

If community content is featured like last year please don’t include closed groups or ancient content like last year. Show the new creations of the community. And not just the creators that are friends with VRChat team members


When will the the names i have for my avatar groups on the website show up on vrchat. i have always hated having unnamable avatat groups when you can name freind and world groups.

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Most people don’t but at least VCC does most of the work for you

Looking forward to this on live!

Incorrect. Handtracking works with openxr api over link, some users using it in MFS with OpenXR toolkit.

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I don’t care. I should be able to use the method that I prefer and adjust to VCC when I feel comfortable.

VRChat forcing users to switch is ridiculous, when they could instead actually advertise VCC when it is no longer a beta product, plus have an auto reply on their support to tell users to upgrade to the latest SDK.

The communication from VRC often reads as “We don’t want to setup our ticketing system correctly or reply to users needing help.” They seem to do everything they can to simplify everything, including leaving out or removing useful features or advanced methods, because they are irritated by support requests.

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Nope, you can still import whatever unitypackage you like. SDK and official VRChat packages will be via VPMs though.

Creators can also package their own stuff up as a VPM, which will let end users install their packages and keep them up to date via the VPM instead of hoping the user goes and grabs the latest UnityPackage when its relevant. :smiley: (I think it does this right now? Maybe? Momo would know better.)

We have been informing people since May. :S

For what it is worth, the workflow changes are minimal. Once set up with VCC (or VPM, if you don’t want to touch the UX), you don’t have to launch VCC again until you need to update your SDK or one of the packages.

You can set it up once via VCC to update your SDK and migrate, close it, and open your projects via Unity Hub for weeks on end without touching VCC.

It is an extremely minor change to the standard workflow that carries with it massive benefits to both users and our continued development of the SDK.


My only question, or questions, then:

  1. Does VCC have SDK auto update functionality, and if so, can it be permanently turned off?
  2. Will VCC ever require changes to my projects beyond updating the SDK?

Well, I don’t think communication was clear enough or in the right places then. Still do not like the idea of a beta product being required.

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From the VRChat installation docs on VCC/VPM:

The system is completely untested on Linux distributions at this point, but may work anyway due to the work done for the Mac version.

This does not inspire confidence.

Yes the cat talks again!! I used to always click it a bunch because of my adhd and have been sad its been gone

I really am not a fan of this. This will force to keep the SDK always updated and forced updates always break things at some point; Windows itself is a huge example of that. I wont stop creating for VRC as its been the reason why I finally got into 3D stuff. This is just one of these changes we’ll just have to accept and move on like it or not and it stings a bit.

In the end, though, if the stuff to migrate your projects easily work as well as the options to convert from DynamicBones to Physbones automatically did, then I’ll likely be better restarting my projects from scratch. Luckily I have… 10 avatars or so, not 100 like other creators. lol


What ever happened to chatbox sound notifications mentioned back in September 22nd’s update?


You can actually pick the version of the SDK you want to download in VCC

Some outdated assets may need to be updated to support the latest SDK

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I agree with the others that VCC needs proper support on linux before being made mandatory, and I say this as someone using VCC since it was first available and appreciating it.

I also wanted to ask why graphics.blit is not available on quest. Is this a temporary issue that will be addressed, or just an outright issue with unity / quest hardware?


Second question was actually addressed in the discord for those reading:

Until an old SDK version that still actually works is forcibly updated the next time you start the project.

So in other words: It has the possibility in the future to effectively lock your projects because you’re forced to update, even though currently, you can upload semi-broken avatars often just fine.

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There is no force update going on, it just gives you one click manual update option. And as people said, you don’t even need to open it after initial setup… + it’s just an UI on top of VPM which is liberally just alternative source for UPM that unity uses… the tool just provides easier update path for most people. It handled all my projects without single error (even ones that were untouched from 2020)

TLDR: no autouodate, only manual one click update solution.

(Sorry for wall of text… writing on phone is pain + replied to wrong person at first facepalm)

No worries, thanks for the reply.

My fear is that, in the future (like VRChat has done with so many other things), that they change the functionality of this app to eventually force updates to some degree, or do changes to projects that may break them or cause unintended side-effects. It’s always a slippery slope with things like this. A good example is Microsoft moving to their own launcher and then eventually forcing people to switch to Microsoft accounts.

Basically: My view of tools like this is that it should always only be an option, not required. There is no legitimate reason that VRChat should stop providing the unity packages if the app is doing so little. If all the app is doing is changing the file structure a little and then updating the SDK, leaving it to sit when I don’t need to do that, then why should I even install it? They should instead make the SDK unity package sit behind 2 or 3 hide-able warnings that promote the usage of VCC.

Like okay, they said they get a lot of support tickets that end up being an old SDK version. In that case, what I’d do is:

  1. Setup an auto-reply on the ticket system to provide an SDK update as a first step
  2. Identify what is making people use the old, non-VCC method and try to prevent that route from existing or make a better route using your own promotional things.
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NO WAY, I’ll need to try that. The thing that was holding me back in MFS with VR was that I couldn’t use my hands. This is very exciting.