Can't Change My Avater name and picture

I Can’t Update an avatar name or picture it gets stuck in Uploading Files 100%

Does that happen every time?

Yep Every Time for the pacific avatar

If your just trying to update the name, picture or description you can use VRCX

How do I do that?

Once you open VRCX click on your name from the top right then go to the avatars tab
select any avatar
then click change name, description or change image from the 3 dots menu

Change that name was fine but I can’t change the Image it keeps saying
400 Bad Request
Error Message: Can’t start a new version of this file until the last version is finished uploading․

you might want to restart your device and then try again

In response to the error you got, It’s been two hours, so if it still won’t go through, you’ll want to reach out to VRChat support.