Can't access my uploaded world

Having issues with joining my own uploaded world. It was fine before I added/edited some stuff and now it won’t let me in. Everytime I try to join it, it sends me back to my home-world.
I reverted everything I did back and it still won’t budge.

The world was purchased and not made from scratch by me and the world worked fine as it only started doing it today and i’ve already uploaded and tested this world 28 times before this issue happened.

(The things I changed/added were BGM, some avatars, and repositioned some mirrors/mirror toggles)

(When I join the world, it loads it [after clearing cache] but when the picture pops up with ‘joining’ or ‘initializing world’ it shows my home world’s picture and then puts me in the home world)

You might want to check the logs from VRChat?

I don’t know if its possible on Worlds, but on Avatars I’ve had an issue where a compiler error would flummox the SDK, and it’d upload an avatar to the wrong platform. In my case I had the Project in Android, and the uploads were updating the PC version. Android version uploaded as PC means that PC version doesn’t work.