An idea; To make an avatar search bar/adding a choice to have somebody get access/including avatar ID's

I thought of an idea recently about building in other games. I notice that they can give a person access to it, but others can’t if they don’t got permission. So, what if you do that with avatars and that ID to an avatar? Wouldn’t that make sense? That means if you want to search an avatar, you can do but if its public. If a person got access to using your avatar, only they can use it but can’t give it. You should also do that same with ID avatars. Allow the creator to choose if they want anybody to ID the avatar. Many people used a client to find an avatar they wanted that may not even be in a world. So, adding in this feature would help VRChat a lot many people would be happy. I hope VRchat gets the message and read it, it will be so wonderful. Thank you for reading!