I would love to be able to access the android version of vr chat on PC.
Just for testing purpose to see how world and avatars look in their quest version or just to run vrchat on a potato PC.
That would be nice i think. Maybe someone can suggest an emulator for this?
I know some folks was using raspberry pi 5 for that purpose but it would be nice to be able to do the same thing on an Intel n100 maybe?
I actually have a solution for that.
If your phone can run the vrchat version, then you can stream your phone display with Microsoft apps.
If not you have version of android that can run on x86 and from there, be able to run vrchat if the game allows it.
You’ve probably searched already but I found many reviews including this one: How to install Android on PC: Top 5 options compared
You might be able to run Android on a cloud server also. Please let us know what you find out and if you get it working tell us which one.
sadly can’t i use an old model of iphone.
interesting idea but vrchat android app is very picky in android compatibility.
so i don’t think current emulators can run it.
I haven’t used it but “picky” would be a major design mistake when it comes to phone apps. It doesn’t cost much to try right?
Next up: What are the minimum requirements?
Most mid-range phones should be fine, but as a baseline, your phone needs at least 6 gigs of RAM. Any less, and it’s unlikely the app will run. Likewise, you need to be running on at least Android 10.
By picky i mean. Vrchat ask for only high end graphics ,arm cpu and latest version of android.
Emulators doesn’t always have vulkan drivers and only handle x86 instructions and older version of android.
I’m not at all familiar with emulators running Android. If the emulators cannot run the latest apps and the latest apps require the latest phones, etc. everything is pretty much hosed don’t you think?
Maybe one of them works or maybe someone is working on an update. I certainly have no idea and perhaps you are just out of luck then.
I tried it with the Windows Subsystem for Android before but it wouldn’t open on there. It doesn’t seem to be available on Google Play Games for PC yet but if you have a Samsung Galaxy flagship device that has DeX on it you can play it on DeX. Just have the window full screen so it works correctly but keyboard controls can be tacky to use.
Yeah, and probably not a good idea to rely on Windows Subsystem for Android as it will be remove at some. But if you found a solution then perfect.
bluestack X crash too.sad.
I took a shot at running VRC for Android on the official android emulator (with this x86_64 image from the AUR),
it dies with this:
adb logcat | grep vrchat
08-19 15:37:58.240 723 755 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested: android.os.BinderProxy@fcf3b64 TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=48 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.vrchat.mobile.playstore/com.vrchat.app.MainActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{com.vrchat.mobile.playstore/com.vrchat.app.MainActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.vrchat.mobile.playstore/com.vrchat.app.MainActivity} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{com.vrchat.mobile.playstore/com.vrchat.app.MainActivity} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=144948 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@2acf1cd} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=null topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{6dd9a82 com.vrchat.app.MainActivity} launchCookies=[android.os.BinderProxy@3fa9593] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=false isVisible=false isVisibleRequested=false isSleeping=false topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false topActivityLetterboxed= false isFromDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 cameraCompatControlState=hidden}, remoteTransition = RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@df6a9d0, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@a3ddc9, debugName = QuickstepLaunch }, displayChange = null }
08-19 15:37:58.242 518 882 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.vrchat.mobile.playstore/com.vrchat.app.MainActivity bnds=[1715,1329][1781,1404]} with LAUNCH_SINGLE_TOP from uid 10157 (BAL_ALLOW_ALLOWLISTED_COMPONENT) result code=0
08-19 15:37:58.263 518 547 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4518:com.vrchat.mobile.playstore/u0a191 for next-top-activity {com.vrchat.mobile.playstore/com.vrchat.app.MainActivity}
08-19 15:37:58.264 518 771 D CoreBackPreview: Window{44f51ea u0 Splash Screen com.vrchat.mobile.playstore}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@282ea51, mPriority=0, mIsAnimationCallback=false}
08-19 15:37:58.553 518 535 V WindowManager: Sent Transition #16 createdAt=08-19 15:37:58.231 via request=TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=48 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.vrchat.mobile.playstore/com.vrchat.app.MainActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{com.vrchat.mobile.playstore/com.vrchat.app.MainActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.vrchat.mobile.playstore/com.vrchat.app.MainActivity} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{com.vrchat.mobile.playstore/com.vrchat.app.MainActivity} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=144948 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{RemoteToken{1b28c53 Task{761b5de #48 type=standard A=10191:com.vrchat.mobile.playstore}}} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=null topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{af93990 com.vrchat.app.MainActivity} launchCookies=[android.os.BinderProxy@1079289] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=false isVisible=false isVisibleRequested=false isSleeping=false topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false topActivityLetterboxed= false isFromDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 cameraCompatControlState=hidden}, remoteTransition = RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@dd5528e, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@acf9aaf, debugName = QuickstepLaunch }, displayChange = null }
08-19 15:37:58.553 518 535 V WindowManager: info={id=16 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{RemoteToken{1b28c53 Task{761b5de #48 type=standard A=10191:com.vrchat.mobile.playstore}}} m=OPEN f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=48)/@0x5c4ebb7 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 2560, 1440) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 2560, 1440) d=0},{WCT{RemoteToken{8148703 Task{4075b33 #1 type=home}}} m=TO_BACK f=SHOW_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0x4725659 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 2560, 1440) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 2560, 1440) d=0}]}
08-19 15:37:58.738 4518 4518 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~D14HJIhigVIWFs_ED7Y1ig==/com.vrchat.mobile.playstore-7lt9AJM83m6VfQ_rwSQRfg==/split_UnityDataAssetPack.dm': No such file or directory
08-19 15:37:58.738 4518 4518 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~D14HJIhigVIWFs_ED7Y1ig==/com.vrchat.mobile.playstore-7lt9AJM83m6VfQ_rwSQRfg==/split_UnityDataAssetPack.dm': No such file or directory
08-19 15:37:58.739 4518 4518 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~D14HJIhigVIWFs_ED7Y1ig==/com.vrchat.mobile.playstore-7lt9AJM83m6VfQ_rwSQRfg==/split_config.arm64_v8a.dm': No such file or directory
08-19 15:37:58.739 4518 4518 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~D14HJIhigVIWFs_ED7Y1ig==/com.vrchat.mobile.playstore-7lt9AJM83m6VfQ_rwSQRfg==/split_config.arm64_v8a.dm': No such file or directory
08-19 15:37:58.744 4518 4518 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-6 for other apk /data/app/~~D14HJIhigVIWFs_ED7Y1ig==/com.vrchat.mobile.playstore-7lt9AJM
83m6VfQ_rwSQRfg==/base.apk:/data/app/~~D14HJIhigVIWFs_ED7Y1ig==/com.vrchat.mobile.playstore-7lt9AJM83m6VfQ_rwSQRfg==/split_UnityDataAssetPack.apk:/data/app/~~D14HJIhigVIWFs_ED7Y1ig==/com.vrchat.mobile.playstore-7lt9AJM83m6VfQ_rwSQRfg==/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/data/app/~~D14HJIhigVIWFs_ED7Y1ig==/com.vrchat.mobile.playstore-7lt9AJM83m6VfQ_rwSQRfg==/lib/arm64:/data/app/~~D14HJIhigVIWFs_ED7Y1ig==/com.vrchat.mobile.playstore-7lt9AJM83m6VfQ_rwSQRfg==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/data/app/~~D14HJIhigVIWFs_ED7Y1ig==/com.vrchat.mobile.playstore-7lt9AJM83m6VfQ_rwSQRfg==/split_UnityDataAssetPack.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/data/app/~~D14HJIhigVIWFs_ED7Y1ig==/com.vrchat.mobile.playstore-7lt9AJM83m6VfQ_rwSQRfg==/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.vrchat.mobile.playstore
08-19 15:37:58.967 4540 4540 F DEBUG : Cmdline: com.vrchat.mobile.playstore
08-19 15:37:58.967 4540 4540 F DEBUG : pid: 4518, tid: 4537, name: obile.playstore >>> com.vrchat.mobile.playstore <<<
08-19 15:37:58.988 518 4543 W ActivityTaskManager: Force finishing activity com.vrchat.mobile.playstore/com.vrchat.app.MainActivity
08-19 15:37:59.002 518 771 I ActivityManager: Process com.vrchat.mobile.playstore (pid 4518) has died: fg TOP
08-19 15:37:59.122 518 535 V WindowManager: info={id=17 t=CLOSE f=0x10 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{RemoteToken{8148703 Task{4075b33 #1 type=home}}} m=TO_FRONT f=SHOW_WALLPAPER|MOVE_TO_TOP leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0x4725659 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 2560, 1440) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 2560, 1440) d=0},{WCT{RemoteToken{1b28c53 Task{761b5de #48 type=standard A=10191:com.vrchat.mobile.playstore}}} m=CLOSE f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=48)/@0x5c4ebb7 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 2560, 1440) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 2560, 1440) d=0}]}
08-19 15:37:59.168 518 1699 W InputManager-JNI: Input channel object '44f51ea Splash Screen com.vrchat.mobile.playstore (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager!
08-19 15:37:59.491 518 538 W ActivityTaskManager: Activity top resumed state loss timeout for ActivityRecord{9653119 u0 com.vrchat.mobile.playstore/com.vrchat.app.MainActivity t48 f} isExiting}
If anyone has any ideas, let me know. I might try it with an ARM image, but ARM apps should run on x86 android images. Maybe this specific image is broken or something.
The widget does work though:
I also tried the most recent ARM system image on the AUR, android-google-apis-armv7a-eabi 25_r18-2
, but it wouldn’t boot, so now I’m properly stuck. (Also thanks Fax, for restoring my replies!)
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I’ve tried running VRChat for Android in an emulator on both my Windows PC and M3P MacBook Pro, but both attempts failed. It seems the game detects the virtual environment and exits. I’m curious why this feature exists and how to bypass it. It would be great if I could somehow play VRChat on a Mac, even if it’s just the mobile version.
My very first thought would have been to throw emulators at it. I’m very surprised BlueStacks cannot handle it. It should not be required to buy a mid to high range phone just to see if a Quest user can see and interact with a world as intended…
I may do some research into the issue and see what’s going on.
well,i have a quest 3 now and i was previewing it on a raspberry pi 4
i was using kongsta kang android 13 rom
with drm and playstore patch.
the pie was quite cheap.
for the quest well,i needed to change my aging dell visor headset anyway.
I installed Waydroid to my SteamOS install on my Steam Deck but could not get any version of VRChat Mobile to run on it at all. I could try Bliss OS but I suspect I will run into similar issues.
A Pi 4 might be the cheapest way to test on mobile, I’m just surprised I can’t find another method that works. Thankfully I already own a Pixel 8a to test with.
well this is easy to understand why now.
since vrchat was compiled for the quest first
the app is arm only and will never run on x86 cpu sadly.
it is a good way to fight emulation in a way.
I mentioned in my other post, APKs compiled for ARM will run on x86 Android images, there’s a translation layer.