Unable to upload avatar in Unity Version 2022.3.6f1

I can not use 2022.3.6f1 to uploads avatars. I always get one error.but I can’t find the problem
it tell me “Parameter name:string” .

Does it mean the avatar parameters list? I wonder if it’s complaining about a parameter name string, or maybe one without a name…

This is details error informations.This is a new project by VCC 2022.3.6f1 ,I import one avater 。After upload by VRCSDK and Encountered this error。

Please ensure that the project’s path and computer username consist only of English letters and numbers.(use translate)

C:\Users\57091 E:\VRC AVA\mayasmall 系统用户是57091 avatar路径是英文


应该不是这个原因 我换成window11虚拟机环境 重新弄了一遍 报错信息变了


This problem is my windows lack some package . I take the VMware imitate Windos11 . Try again upload and remote avatar ID. This problem will be solved。 Thank you everyone!

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so i did some looking and unity just doesn’t like any language but English, my misses unity was throwing this error and the fix is both pc device name and system language need to be in English. i was crying when it just started working.

I also encountered the same problem, but it was running in the win11 system, not a virtual machine, and now I do not know how to solve it, could you please teach me which software packages need to be installed to support the operation