Hello, i came to tell you about the Dangers of pav abuse by misusers when my invention is created.
This has to be highlighted when people are seeing someone in their personal avatar vehicle abusing their PAV on certain group of vrchat players that aren’t doing anything wrong and suspicious.
Threat levels of pav when misused:
Level 1: pav with avatar weapons of light and heavy calibers.
Level 2: pav combination of the 2 avatar weapons, combined with light explosive ammo.
Level 3: pav with both avatar weapons, light and mid explosive ammo.
Level 4: pav with both avatar weapons, light, mid and heavy explosive ammo.
Level 5: pav with only high explosive ammo that can render worlds unusable.
Level 6: pav with low yield nuclear blasts.
Level 7: Pav with mid yield nuclear blasts.
Level 8: pav with high yield nuclear blasts.
Level 9: pav with laser weapons of low yield that makes world to glitch and crash.
Level 10: pav with laser weapons with high yield that makes the server and the world crash and break.
These are the dangers of the misuse of personal avatar vehicle abuse by misusers.
Have a good day btw.