Live Captioning?

I know it’s not something quite often talked about? I’ve also never made a post, so please forgive me!! I don’t know if this is something quite talked about, but I think I would like to bring it up! As that I’m sure there are many other users who may struggle with what I do!

I suffer from APD (Auditory Processing Disorder) and sometimes I don’t quite catch everybody, it makes it hard for me to understand the users I meet or the friends I have made! As well as I think this could be applied to anybody who is deaf, hard of hearing, etc.

I was wondering if VRChat ever plans to add this to their accessibility in the near future? I know this stuff gets a tad complex- but I know I and many others could benefit from such things!

If there are any helpful/additional programs out there that do assist in these things, I’d love to know!!

Thankyou for taking the time to read this! I just didn’t know if this was something ever discussed!!

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I think that kind of software exists mainly as closed captioning for tv shows and youtube. I don’t know how one could implement that into a game, but i do know the ai involved is far from perfect and would give you more gibberish than you would believe given that is has to account for multiple languages, accents, dialects, urban language, slang, feedback, background noise, speech impediments, and more.

until people figure out all that, you may have to ask people to use their keyboard feature