I have not much to say but Happy (late) new Year everyone!!!
I can’t speak on VRChat’s behalf regarding whether there will ever be an official blog about new Unity things to be excited for, but I can tell you I led a VRCSpaces session regarding this at the very beginning of the Open Beta and we talked a good bit about various things that changed, improved, and were added to Unity that creators should be aware of/excited for.
At some point (soon), I do totally want to compile a nice infographic or listicle and share the big ones online after some feedback and testing, since I’ve seen a number of smaller unofficial ones be passed around various discords and I’d like to try roundin’ 'em all up!
(If you JUST want an objective big list of changes between the two though, you can find one here)
I think
What “nsfw” content did they advertise?
You know they added content gating, right?
Although I’ve been an ardent supporter for some time, I’ve decided to cancel my VRChat+ subscription until work starts in earnest from the VRChat Team on the following stuttering bug:
This has been open for almost 4 months but no movement. You have proven with d-test and the avatar desync issue that you can do special testing to reproduce issues and attempt to resolve outstanding issues; however, with this, there is a feeling that AMD users are not important or valuable as part of the userbase. That’s frustrating, especially with a bug this severe and inhibiting that sits, at writing, at 62 upvotes.
I would like to request you work in association with the RadeonVR community to assist in eliminating this bug, as well as Open Beta testers. There is a large community of people who simply currently cannot play this game - the visual effect of this shaking and stuttering is severe, and makes the game immediately nauseating and unstomacheable, for people with even incredibly hardy VR legs.
My subscription will remain cancelled until this has been resolved. I even pledge to gift 10 VRChat+ subs (totalling $100) to community members upon the resolution of this issue. I have encouraged others to follow the same steps, if they have the ability to.
I hope this message comes in earnest, and that this request is passed off internally and given serious consideration. I understand that one subscription may not be enough to sway you; however, I assure you there are many others with similar sentiments, and especially with Valve’s close relationship with AMD, any movement from them in regards to gaming on Linux or a standalone VR device would use AMD graphics hardware, and as such will compound this issue.
I want to make it clear that I’m not trying to mean - if this reads like that, I apologize. I’m just really frustrated with this issue and, as I have laid out, it’s pretty severe with currently no solution for affected users.
Normally I try to avoid replying to posts in Dev Updates that aren’t on the rails, but I wanted to let you know – we know about this bug and a lot of work went into trying to track down what’s causing it. We also know it causes a TON of problems and makes it impossible for a small (albeit important) segment of our users to use VRChat.
We were able to reproduce the issue and debugged as deeply as we could before we hit the “this is the engine” roadblocks. Our current prevailing theory is that it is a new Unity bug. From what I can tell in the issue tracker, we shipped off a bug report to our Unity contact before the holidays. We haven’t heard anything back yet.
Apologies that it’s taking so long!
No apologies necessary, just very good to have an update.
Piggybacking off the last dev post about improving communication; having more “we’re working on this” updates, potentially including any information that you can share (like what you shared here) going out every so often on bug reports that are as severe as this, and remain open for an atypical amount of time for a large issue, would be incredibly helpful.
It’s totally understandable that you can’t update on everything and that you have to prioritize. On issues like this, though, it can cause a lot of worry to not have an update - like, “am I ever gonna even be able to play this game again”? Especially if you’re an enthusiast that’s poured a lot of resources into this game, that can be kind of a concerning thought
On my end, I work tech support for a fairly large B2B software vendor, and on escalated “production blocking” cases, we tend to be very hands on in updating this issue, or even just giving “we’re still working, this is the current status” updates, so that customers with large concern can know they’re being taken care of. It might be good to include something similar that in how to handle communication on serious issues going forward!
Regardless, I really appreciate this update, and thank you for responding. I still stick to my word - once the fix is out, 10 VRC+ subs are going to go out too
Valve is in a close working relationship with AMD for hardware, which leads into a pretty good guess on what they’ll use for any standalone VR hardware, and it was cheaper than an equivalent Nvidia card by almost 800 dollars. Nvidia just isn’t in price range for me and never will be.
All other VR games run exceptionally well currently on AMD, it’s just VRChat with this specific obscure bug.
Thanks! I’ll definitely give this a watch!
Still no news on the custom World specific tab on the quick menu
Hi, I have been to New Eden’s events and they ARE adult in nature but not NSFW! Basically, they may dance sexy/attractively but their performances are not of a sexual nature (like a lap dance event). Same thing with their avatars, many of them come with NSFW options but that is not their only purpose/the main thing they are sold for! When someone uploads one of their avatars, they can always get a model that doesn’t have it, remove the NSFW toggles, or not use the NSFW toggles. Their avatars are mostly for the purpose of being/looking beautiful and they are very customizable. New Eden also has long term support and updates given to their avatars sooo that’s why a lot of people buy them. NSFW options are what many customers want so many avatar creators cater to what customers want. Same thing with other features like people buying an avatar that has gogo loco in it as that is a great quality of life improvement for those without FBT.
Assuming you are older than 18 years old, I actually strongly recommend attending a New Eden event as I have had a TON of fun at them in the past.
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