Developer Update - 30 January 2025

Nice the menu buttons are being moved around, really was getting busy.
I will take this time to say consider too the comfort using finger tracking in Quest (Pro), its really shaky so i do like big buttons that help reduce miss clicks. Following that the higher the menu buttons are the better, because menu doesnt rise up with the head tilt in hand tracking mode.

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Hope to see some Furry representation in there as well :D.


I think this is one of the first times that you get a + from me. If you keep this direction, you’ll achieve much more. Dope UI and a really, REALLY cool quality of life addition to the SDK! Especially for someone like me, who makes content in VRChat!


The new main menu and Universal Header look great!

However, I have some suggestions for improving the visual design of the Universal Header.

  • The navigation buttons in the Universal Header could benefit from increased spacing to enhance usability.
  • The notification button might be better positioned on the left side for improved accessibility and visual balance.
  • Adding a badge to the notification button would provide a clear visual cue for unread notifications, improving user awareness.

These adjustments could help refine the overall user experience.


I like that age verification has opened up a little more and i realize the vrc + is a way to stem the tied but yes it would be bad to keep it locked to just vrc + users theres got to be alternatives to let users get the age verification like what some are suggesting have users that continue there vrc+ to have a code generate each month to help there communities age verify there members that cant or refuse to spend the money for the verification

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New menu looks great!! The only other MAIN thing I’d wanna add is moving the chat box notification to the sound menu in your quick menu, so you don’t need to navigate to it in your big menu, and adjust it where all your other audios are adjusted. (another option of chatbox noise would be nice too since the “pop” it currently has is VERY subtle, especially in big conversations with only one person using a chatbox.


“How Age Verification works could change in the future. It might be tied to VRC+ forever… or maybe it isn’t tied to anything at all. We don’t know yet and so we’re leery about making any absolute statement.”
Wow… huge disappointment. At least it’s a one time fee if the worst happens. Also still wondering about the 13-17 age gap, if they are getting something.

The menu, I’m always both nervous and excited about stuff like this. I’m very picky and good I think with UI design. But it looks good. I do think VRC+ should be moved all the way to the right or maybe have one tab for both it and marketplace. And groups should be under social. I never had a problem with the menu tabs and actually prefer as many as possible for all the main things like it used to be. Most of all I want customization, but now I fear that would be a VrC+ thing too… orz

Also wondering if the menu/UI needs a full revamp because I’ve recently noticed the quick menu and main menu are performance heavy. They often cause some type of lag and also seems to be tied to my major VRC issue with screen tearing/VR freezing, been trying to fix this for months and very sad about it. Buying almost a full new PC to try and fix it, running out of options. But I am in contact with support.

This update should have been a video knstead of the bug fixes one.


Yeees good stuff. I love improving UI design. So many times it’s bad or can be improved.


Yeah really sad seeing it go more and more the way I feared since VRC+ and money was introduced, but survival above all else, I agree… Almost want VRC to be a full on subscription service instead. But again, at least it’s a one time fee. But what’s next? It’s already gone too far with prints. And group creation is still locked behind.

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Will the gallery finally stop hiding behind the profile? It really doesn’t make sense there.

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With the introduction of a new Header in the Main Menu it would be awesome if somewhere in there it also informed you of what Group you’re representing.

Time and time again I find Staff members of Group’s either forget to switch on or off the Staff Group. And people who are not Staff also just generally forget what they’re representing and might have switched had there been a much quicker way of noticing.

“We might paywall ID Verification. We might not. Who knows~!?”

Not encouraging tbh…

IMHO, ID Verification should be the very LAST thing you should paywall.

Like, its one thing if its only as part of the rollout.

Its another if you flat out say that it being behind VRC+ or another separate paywall from now on is on the table.

A potential alternative approach you can take if you are concerned about financials and such is to tie it into the trust rank system instead (much like how you already handle world and avi uploading). Make it so one can pay for VRC+ as a new user to get access to it faster rather than having everyone pay up to get access to it at all.

If paywalling this feature is or becomes the approach you are most likely to adopt, for the reasons others in the comments here have stated, I would urge you to please, PLEASE reconsider.

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Age verification will, intentionally or unintentionally, change how users interact. Making it paid (and at $10 too, which isnt a small fee), will in certain circles, seperate the community from people that pay to people that dont. I do think a trust rank is a good next step, or even to world / avatar creators, or marketplace creators, since those people are increasing your playerbase, and make your whole platform.

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I am curious for more details about the multi-uploading process. The SDK docs (currently) explicitly advise against switching back and forth in the same project because of the changes and time with swapping back and forth.

Also, I’m fully on board with keeping age verification behind a single transaction of $10. Ya’ll gotta eat. People that are unwilling to part with $10 once, ever, while playing for hours upon hours… upon hours… upon hours… upon hours… of a service that already costs money to run before age verification was even implemented… well, they should absolutely seek the alternatives they speak of, since they’re not interested in the continued success of the platform.

In fact, thank you for adding it to VRC+, as I do understand this cuts into potential earnings of single-month subscribers and will cause an initial dip in earnings from current subscribers. I’m glad it’s not a separate fee.

Here’s to hoping that age-gated instances become widely adopted and “orange culture” of seeing worlds alleged to have 300 people in them, but all of them are in private instances becomes a thing of the past.

as noted in the infobox at the top of the linked page:

“With the advent of Asset Database v2, swapping between platforms doesn’t take nearly as long! Duplicating your project isn’t really necessary anymore. You can skip this part.”

Basically this isn’t as much of an issue nowadays as it was before the swap to Asset Database V2 and we generally recommend using the same project for all platforms.

Ah. I admit I skipped past that entirely when looking for the info I was familiar with. Thank you for humouring me with a response. Looks like it’s time for me to update my methods!

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When I saw this Main Menu update, I love it. I also want a camera UI update, it is difficult to navigate and touch control buttons would be great, having grabbable onjects atound makes it so difficult to click the camera UI and if a player wants to hold the object and take photo, that would be annoying. I also wish the controller tooltip settings would return to Quick Menu since it easier to go to because I don’t show tooltip but sometimes use it to check what a button in the world does if it doesn’t say, used to be able to go through the Quick Menu and do it easily but now I have navigate to the Main Menu which takes more time.

Om always happy to see by DrMorro get some love here. He is an amazing world creator. Also I look forward to the Jam.

thanks fervid

I still have a lot of reservations regarding the provider for the age verification. Even more so on using a US provider in the current political climate.
An real example of the issue would be this.

With how things are looking there is a real risk that that US companies might see it as low to no risk of not adhering to GDPR, and there would be little to no recourse for European citizens on this.

Mind I’m not saying that European companies are “morally” better on this or anything, a business will do what earns money regardless if they are from the US, EU or somewhere else.
It’s just that in European companies have a much larger accountability on caring for personal infromation based in law.
And when it’s in an European country adhereing to GDPR, then the protection extends to all people regarless of where they live too.
The same cannot be said of US companies as things are.

Some companies such as Google/Alphabet and Microsoft would still try to mostly follow GDPR since they have significant assets in EU that could be at risk if they try something, but a company that only really have US presence has no such risk to their business, and is much harder to trust with actual ID information (not that i personally particularily trust MS or Google with that either tbh).

Edit: I’m pretty vocal about this, but that’s because I don’t want to go into apathy about things like caring for your personal information.
Most people given an actual choice would want to keep things for themselves. But for most people the problem is so vast and difficult to actually comprehend that they give up and go “whatever just take my info”.
And they slide into the apathy og “whatever, everyone else has my information so i don’t care anymore”.
And social pressure is a very real thing, so talking about age verification as optional is dubious at best the more it’s rolled out.