Developer Update - 2 March 2023

Face Tracking has a cheaper hardware buy-in but a much more expensive Avatar buy-in. Eye tracking has a cheap avatar buy-in but a much more expensive headset buy in.

The only official eye tracking headsets in production at the moment are Quest Pro ($1000) and Vive Focus 3 with its attachment (~$1600). The Vive Face Tracker works with all headsets (even the Quest 2 via shennanigans) and is only $129.

So for people with custom avatars, eye tracking is cheaper, but if there are face tracked avatars already, face tracking is cheaper.

It was supposed to be a feature of the original SDK 3.0 but was pulled out. IPD adjustment was always the problem, and it still hasn’t been solved as far as I know. The best we got is GoGo Loco’s experimental for now.

I’m guessing it’s more of a Unity 2019 limitation at this point.

The bug is fixed for me. Wired rift cv1

I wonder if there is an avatar world for niche features. Have a museum layout with giant poster that explains the various mechanics and software next to each exhibit. Then people can test the OSC program with a known good avatar if needed.

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This and various other highly requested features have been on the back burner for awhile now. Firmly been in the ‘We’ve talked about it’ phase since last December.

Is that comparison video for the download prioritization On at the top and Off at the bottom?
If you’re doing a comparison video it might be a good idea to switch it around, or label them in the video. Especially if you preface it by saying ‘before-after’ and the ‘in development’ watermark ending up on the ‘old’ version.
Just wanted to point that out because it took me a moment of wondering why the ‘new’ one (bottom) seemed worse than ‘before’ (top).

I would like to see avatar sound and constrain for quest one day for avatar creation and new shader

I watched the video twice and really had to pay attention. And I guess you’re right. It says before-after but the top seems better.

Maybe with a quest 3 or 4? Some people like avatar audio but I find it turned off most of the time.

from replies to similar questions in the past it seems they’re not going to upgrade the Avatar specs for the quest 3 as they want stuff to perform better not immediately go away with new Avatar capabilities

100% agreed, there are some teally cool avis but some are to small lol

Whoops, you’re right! Top is the new behavior.

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About download priority, will it be possible in the future to have the ability to pause/cancel an avatar’s download? It would be nice for those cases where you’re stuck loading a big filesize avatar even after the user switched out from it

Thank you!
Double checked and it is the clicking sounds that the camera makes when pressing a button or cycling pins that it is tied to world audio slider. The shutter sound is on ui as you said, very helpful :slight_smile:

ok and for constrain for quest ?

Constraints are under investigation on PC, according to Feb 16 dev update too many Constraints at once is bad.

One question I have about Constraints is how many would you need for them to be useful? One? Two?

I guess quest 3 might be on the near horizon. I was trying to suggest that these things might be re-evaluated down the road.

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bro constrain just freeze position rotation and scale and can adjust the rotation if you use a look at constrain I don’t understand why that can make lags

Constraints contribute quite a bit to overhead!


Does “Quest Pro Standalone Mode” mean just the Quest version of the Client? Or will the native face tracking work with the Quest Pro over AirLink with the PC Client?

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Yes. Yes.

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There is no need to limit the string to once every 5 seconds, right? In fact, if websocket is supported, there should be more uses, such as real-time synchronization of my real-time messages on the live broadcast platform. Of course this will all happen locally and not through the server

The limits are there for security reasons, not because the tech wouldn’t support it.