Hello everyone! Happy New Year!! Time for another Community Update.
Join the VRChat Team
Interested in joining the VRChat team? We’re actively looking to fill a few roles. For those who have already applied, we are slowly working through all of these applications - thanks for your patience! Our application review process is still early and as a result response times may be long! We’re working on getting you feedback earlier.
Happy New Years! Also, what happened to our servers??
We hope everyone had a wonderful holidays and a great New Years! If you were on VRChat during New Years Eve, you probably noticed the awfully-timed server issues right as we set our new concurrent user record of over 40,000 users. Check out our latest blog post to learn what happened.
New Community Members
Welcome to all the new community members with your new headsets! We’re excited for you to join the VRChat community. If you haven’t already, be sure to check out these links to learn more about what the team and community are up to:
- VRChat Site
- VRChat Discord
- VRChat Documentation
- VRChat Blog
- VRChat Forums
- VRChat Feedback Boards
- VRChat Support
Make sure to follow our Twitter accounts for updates, too: