Can someone help?

i have a question why whenever i try to import a avatar it says that this file is already existing or here with different guid and how do i fix it, also it takes really long to upload and says that it took more then 30 seconds how do i fix that to? can anyone tell me what this means

how do i fix it

what does all this orange mean

and this

and this someone please help

whenever i try downloading it goes back down do you know why?

Hello @Nyblood4lyfe!

Seems that the issue is the model itself for importing blendshapes, the avatar may have weirdly named or duplicate blendshapes but it shouldn’t completely break everything. For the uploading it depends on how optimal your avatar model is for VRChat.

For avatar performance issues, that would be the avatar model creators problem to deal with. You can follow this video if you want a potential fix to the performance problem to use yourself.

Thank you - @help