Developer Update - 29 February 2024

What’s the performance difference of udon 1 to udon 2?

Depends what you’re doing, either 2x-3x faster if you have lots of interactions with unity, or 20x-50x faster if you’re doing raw math

How much data can be stored in persistence?

Player Data is effectively just one manual synced UdonBehaviour, and has similar limits. Player Objects can have many UdonBehaviours, and each one has it’s own separate limits just like how UdonBehaviours behave now. If you can sync it, you can persist it.

That being said, we are also increasing the limit of all manual synced UdonBehaviours from 62KB to 282KB per serialization

Can persistence data be private?

We’ve discussed this internally and it’s something that we want to do, potentially even before open beta, but the current version that we’re working with is not private.

Can data be migrated or shared from one world to another world?

Not at this time

Will performance improvements from Udon 2 apply to old worlds?

No, not at the moment, but we’re working to bring improvements to old world performance before release. No guarantees, though

Is Udon 2 still based on webassembly?
