Fully understanding that UdonUI is VERY early at the moment, can/will we get some means for context-sensitive content in it? It’d be useful to be able to drive what appears in it via world values.
For a simple example; Integer $Room == 3, Show controls for Mirror Room.
Or even more granular like, say, “Load ImageSprite with .png and textfield with $descriptionText” because you approached an art piece on a wall and it’s serving a description of it.
They did say in the big summer video of… dang, was it 2021? Where’s the time gone! That there are long term plans to support persistent settings for worlds down the line. I suspect getting Udon UI complete is a stepping stone to that.
An audio source for a world is just one, an avatar audio source has to account for bringing one for everyone else in the class.
I thought it was attached to feet because I can use the locomotion stop function in go go loco, and I can stop myself over a chair and lean forwards with my head. Learn something new every day I suppose.
It also gets tiring as a developer to see UE5 postured over and over as the solution to all our problems.
If only
Avatars should be flexible, but they’re still avatars at the end of the day. There’s only so far you can take something before it stops being an avatar altogether.
But like I suggested in the other thread, perhaps they should explain more specifically what they are trying to do? The VRChat devs are much likely to consider suggestions that have concreate reasoning behind them, and not “because immersion” or “because UE5 exists (?)”.
In what way would you need more than 3 simultaneous audio sources? I find one audio source playing annoying, I can’t imagine 4+
Didn’t they make it so you can lean over objects a few months ago? Or was that only stopping the IK freezing in those instances?
I feel like I’ve looked over cliffs without falling.
Yes they stopped the IK freezing as soon as your head enters a collider. Now both, your Head and your Hip need to be inside a collider for the IK to freeze. Was a great update, really. Lifesaving (Thanks Kung )
But the Collider Capsule generally is still attached to the head as far as i’m concerned.
And that is a good thing, while it would be great to lean over a cliff for example, it causes a lot of other problems.
Since your rotation point is your head, attaching the collider to the hip would cause a bit of a problem when rotating. Imagine you are sitting at edge of that cliff again and are facing away from it, if you now turn around you could end up falling down because your hip point moved over the cliff.
It would also only kind of work in FBT and in 3 point or desktop it would probably just be annoying.
Then you also have to consider what to do with the nameplate and player selection capsule, should those also move? Or should they still attach to the head?
In general the system we have right now works well and chancing it could cause more problems then it would solve.
Instead of increasing the amount of simultaneous audio sources, I’d suggest having a way to switch what audio file is being played by a given audio source.
Would mean you could make, say, a boombox with a single audio source, but a sound bank of 20+ songs! (given you keep the file size down)
Benefit of this method: does not hit performance from increased amount of audio sources.
Hm fair, good argument for 3 point tracking/desktop, didn’t think about that.
May i ask why you think it would only “kind of work” for FBT? I think i’d only see it as an improvement for FBT :o
Maybe you could attach it to the hip as soon as a hip tracker is present?
Oh, i guess it could also cause issues if the hip lost tracking (the most likely point to lose tracking due to occlusion), and the collider suddenly gets yeeted around xD
Alright i guess there is more to it than i originally anticipated.
I still think that the collider capsule in general would need a little more work such as… maybe scaling to your actual avatar height or something, and a better solution than binding it to the head for FBT people but there’s obviously more to think about and consider as its quite a fundamental thing, so it wouldn’t be quick changes.
If you’re referring to a situation where they’ll replace the audio system entirely, I can see why updates more substantial that “still working on it” would be quite uncommon
Any updates on fixing shader fallbacks? Standard, standard Specular, and Autodesk interactive based shaders don’t fall back properly, even with the VRCFallback tag added properly. It does work with Toon, but not any other built in shader. See the updated Canny for more info.
It would be super beneficial for those who aren’t toon.